37. Deserving Of

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The next few days passed as if in a dream. Luciana kept herself busy cooking, cleaning, and caring for Aeron. His fever hadn't broken yet, but it hadn't gotten worse, for which she was grateful. He was still able to get up a few times a day, usually just to eat or go to the bathroom. He didn't stay up for long though, and he didn't say much when she and Vaughan were around.

Luciana kept waiting for Aeron to ask how long Vaughan was staying, where he was sleeping, or something else along those lines, but he never did. She wasn't sure if he just didn't care or if he was really sick enough that he wasn't thinking straight. Either could be a possibility. She only hoped the snow would lighten enough for someone to retrieve supplies from Orynth soon, so the camp would have access to medicine.

Vaughan checked on everyone around the camp daily, and tried to gauge how much longer the blizzard would last while he was at it. So far, there didn't seem to be much hope of it dispersing for another few days. Luciana had to admit that she was glad Vaughan was there. He'd been the one to retrieve firewood and supplies when it started running low. He had taught Luciana how to dry the damp wood using her magic, so that it was ready to burn within minutes.

He had also discovered that Elgan had fallen ill. Vaughan was now staying with him for a few hours a day, just to make sure his condition didn't worsen. Luciana couldn't help but wonder if he was using that as an excuse to stay away from her too. She'd felt his gaze on her every night when they went to bed until she finally fell asleep. She wondered what thoughts were going through his head, and if they were good or bad. Luciana didn't ask though, and Vaughan acted relatively normal, so she tried not to worry.

A knock sounded at the door, pulling Luciana from her thoughts. She dried her hands and crossed the room. Kyllian was waiting outside, a halfhearted smile on his face. Luciana beckoned him in and closed the door behind him. Snow swirled in his wake.

Kyllian slipped his boots off by the door and raked his fingers through brown locks. "I passed Vaughan on my way over. He said he's going to check with the medics about something and then he'll be back."

"All right. Aeron is in his room. He might be sleeping, but I'm not certain." Luciana returned to the sink and scrubbed the last of the dirty dishes clean. Kyllian's footsteps padded softly towards Aeron's room.

Luciana turned her attention to making supper, just as Kyllian rapped on Aeron's door. There was a muffled admittance and he vanished into the room, leaving the door slightly cracked. Luciana set to work slicing potatoes. She kept her movements quiet as Aeron and Kyllian began to speak.

"The storm should clear up soon," Kyllian was saying. "Fae estimate about six days."

"Good." Aeron smothered a cough. "Are there any updates on Aedion?"

"He's recovering quickly. I'm sure he'll be back as soon as the snow stops."

"And Elgan?"

"Doing the same as you. Not improving, not getting worse."

Luciana dumped the potatoes into a pot of already boiling water. From the corner of her eye, she saw Aeron roll onto his back. He clasped his hands over his stomach and faced Kyllian. "Well, I wish something would happen," he muttered. "I'm tired of laying here." Aeron coughed again. "And I'm tired of that. And of always being too hot or too cold. And of not being able to breathe properly. I'll never take my nose for granted again."

"I'm glad you've learned such a valuable lesson," Kyllian chuckled. "I'll make sure Vaughan or Luciana know when medical supplies arrive, but hopefully you'll start to improve before then."

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