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I was getting ready to go to practice when I heard a knock on my door. I'm confused since I wasn't expecting anyone. I open the door and see Olivia pacing back and forth until I cleared my throat. "Can we talk about something?" She ask and I look at my watch.

"Um yeah I got 5 minutes." I say as I look back up at her. She nods and we both walk in. "Is Naomi here?" She ask. "Um nah." I say as I sit at the dining table while she sat across from me. "Firstly I wanted to apologize for what I said on the trip." I nod.

She puts a small gift bag on the table. "Before you see what's in there um Caleb is here in LA and he threatened to tell the shade room about you being the father of the twins." I groan and nod. "Is that all?" I ask. She looks down before looking back up at me.

"Do you care about the shaderoom knowing?" She ask softly. "Nah I'm surprised they didn't figure it out by now and I actually gotta go." I say as I get up. "Is this how it's gonna be now, you not wanting to talk to me?" She ask. "I don't know Liv you sending me missed signals about what's gonna happen between us."

"No I haven't, I told everyone we were gonna stay friends not once did I say we were getting  back together!" She said slightly raising her voice. "Yes you did say that but you also let me fuck knowing how I felt about you Liv, and if you really didn't want that you would've told me to stop instead of moaning my name!"

She rubs her temples and pull out a small gift bag. "Well if you wanna be in my life for this one we're gonna have to tolerate each other." She mumbles while handing the bag to me. I was confused until I looked inside and pulled out 3 pregnancy test that was all positive.

"I'm pregnant since whenever we have sex you can't pull out on time." I chuckle and look at her. "Well thanks for telling me, and if you'll let me I'll be there for you and all of our kids." She nods and hold my hand. "You didn't  get to experience anything with the twins when I was pregnant, but I want you to finally experience this."

I sigh and hug her. "Thanks again, I know I've been an ass lately." She laughs. "I deserved it I'm sorry for leading you on again, it wasn't fair on your part." I nod and look at the pregnancy test. "Why 3 pregnancy test though, if you didn't wanna have my baby again just say that."

She giggles and shakes her head. "I was just shocked and ended up getting each brand I seen, never going to CVS for anything it was like 20 for the clear blue." I chuckle. "How are the twins doing during this?" She sighs. "I honestly don't know they seem fine but I know it's bothering them and then when you have practice and can't get them they take it hard."

I sigh and nod. "What about tonight we have a game night all of us here I'll clear my schedule." She looks up at me and a smile slowly appear on her lips. "How are we going to tell them I'm pregnant and we're not even together or really talking." I sigh and think.

"Does anyone else know your pregnant?" I ask and she shakes her head no. "We'll have a small get together and tell everyone, then maybe if you want you could get a therapist someone to help you come to peace with everything that happened, I can't have you stressing my baby."

She smiles and grab her things. "See you tonight, and thank you for listening to me." I nod and watch her walk out before grabbing my phone and clicking the call button. "Hey...we should talk."
"Hey Sierra." Said Jada as she ran over to me. "Hey Jada!" I say as I hug her. Ever since me and SJ started school I've made a few good friends. "Are you trying out with me still?" She ask and I nod.

"It'll be fun to be a cheerleader for the pep rally's." I say while smiling. "It'll be super fun if we both make the team." She says and I nod while walking towards an empty table. She sat beside me and we both pulled out our lunch.

"So where were you born?" She ask while opening her bag of chips. "Atlanta, it's amazing there I kind of miss it." I shrug. "I've been there before-."

"Hey Sierra." I look up and see Kai and Kaden walking towards us. "Hey Kaden." I say before taking a bite into my sandwich. "You seen your brother?" Asked the other twin while throwing a football up in the air before catching it. "Nope maybe he's with Jake or Crystal."

"Well tell him we was looking for him to play football at lunch." I nodded and watched them walk away before focusing on my food. "Kai just hit so different it's giving bad boy vibes." I laugh and shake my head. "They would only come here for my brother he's like a popular kid I guess."

"It makes sense, your laid back your brother loves to have fun it was obvious he was gonna be popular." She says before drinking her Gatorade. "You right."

"Are you going on the field trip to Disney Land?" She ask and I nod. "I have to give my paper to the office after school." I say while we get up and throw away our food.
"Wassup Kai and Kaden." I say as they throw a football at me and I run and catch it. "Wassup, you talked to coach about joining the team yet?" Asked Kaden. "Yea, my mom turning in the paper tomorrow so I'll be there."

"My boy!" Said Kaden while dapping me up. "So we gone play football or not?" Asked Kai while picking up the football. "Oh shut up our boy gone be playing football with us." Said Kaden. "So we not playing?" Asked Kai and we laughed. "Ight let's play."
After practice me and Naomi met up at my house. "So what did you wanna talk about?" She asked. "This thing we're doing, we can't do this anymore." She sighs and nod. "Well it's okay, me and my ex is rekindling and me and you was never meant to be, I wish you the best." She says nonchalantly before quickly walking away.
I was in my room trying to study but my head just wasn't there. I looked out my window and seen it slowly getting cloudly. I was going to go on a quick walk before it started pouring down like when we lived in Atlanta. I grabbed my jacket and walked downstairs.

"Ma can I go on a walk to clear my head?" I ask as I walk in the kitchen where she was reading a book. "Be back before it gets to dark we're going to your dad's house." I nod and walk outside. I put in my airpods and played music, that always eased my brain so I could study.

I walked about a block or 2 while listening to my music when it started sprinkling. I put on my hoodie and kept walking for 4 minutes until I started walking back. I felt someone tap my shoulder and quickly looked up to see Kai and Kaden.

I took out my airpods. "What?" I ask as they walk with me. "What are you doing out here, on this side of town?" Kaden ask while Kai remained silent like always. "I'm just walking, what do you want?" I ask. "What friend would I be of your brother if I let his sister walk alone?" He says with a sly smile.

"Whatever I can handle myself." I say confidently and they both laugh. "Sure you can." Kai said lowly. Obviously he already hit puberty by how slightly deep his voice was. "Your the one who doesn't talk trying to be so called mean."

"I only speak when I have something to say, sorry I don't have nothing to say to you I guess." I roll my eyes while Kaden laughed the whole time. "You should be careful over here still alot of crazy people are here." I just nod. "So why are y'all over here?"

"Nosy much." I roll my eyes at Kai while Kaden chuckled. "We grew up here, we know everyone like literally everyone but over time our parents became I guess rich and we live at a big ass house." I nod as we walk on my street. "I knew you didn't live in the hood, nice house."

"Thank you I guess." I say and he nods. "We walking her all the way to her house?" Kai asked and Kaden laughed. "Yea we can't have her short small self out here alone." Kai rolled his eyes and got on his phone. "You are so not a people person." I mumble. "Oh I didn't notice." He said sarcastically while Kaden just laughed at our banter.

"Kai stop flirting I'm feeling like a third wheel." Said Kaden. "I don't flirt and if I did it wouldn't be with her." I scoff and cross my arms. "You hurt her feelings she could be insecure dipshit." Said Kaden. "Mom wants us home she said we're having fun with a neighbor or something like that."

We finally got to my doorstep and I was relieved. "See you later." Said Kaden as he dapped me up. I nod and look over at Kai who looked up at me. "Bye nerd." He said before walking away while Kaden laughed. I walked inside and went up to my room to get ready to go over to my dad's. Although I wish things were different and I could seem him everyday it can't be. Just not now anyways.
To be continued....

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