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Ross pov

My eyes slowly opened and focused on what was in front of me it was Raelynn she was sitting on my chest holding a marker giggling I narrowed my eyes "what did you do" she giggled then started running around I got up and chased her I finally caught up to her abs picked her up she giggled then pointed to the bathroom "daddy look at your face" I walked in there and put her down she ran away and I looked at my reflection my forehead said daddy my cheek said kiss and my other cheek said mommy I smiled then picked up my phone and posted it on picture and captioned it what kids do to you I put my phone back down and looked into the mirror again then Ashlynn walked in "umm dad writing on your face is so out" I narrowed my eyes and turned to her "I didn't even know it was in" she smiled "daddy can I please go shopping with aunt delay then go on a date with Nick" I thought for a moment "I don't care be back a 10" she smiled "yay thank you" she kissed me on the cheek then walked out I sighed then Shor walked in holding a basketball "dad I really need to practice today uncle Rocky will be here to pick me u in a hour" I looked at him confused "excuse me did you ask" he rolled his eyes "fine can I go with uncle Rocky to practice" I crossed my arms over my chest "with that attitude no" his eyes widened "but dad I need to" I shook my head "what happened to us practicing" he shrugged I sighed "fine" he hugged my leg "thank you" I chuckled then he ran out I turned and picked up a wash cloth to wipe my face off I got all of it off then Raelynn ran in she was wearing a pink tutu I smiled she looked so much like her mom she held up her arms for me to pick her up I did then she layed her head in mine "daddy can we go see mommy" I sighed "ya I guess" she giggled "yay" I put her down then went to my room to get dressed I finished then we left we arrived to the hospital and went to her room I stood back and let Raelynn do the talking she layed her teddy bear on Destiny "mommy I thought you should have this you need it more than me right now and besides I can just use your teddy bear" then she leaned down and whispered "its daddy" I laughed then she sat back up "mommy I can't wait to talk to you again" I lightly smiled then she looked up at me "your turn" I walked over there and she stood where I was standing I looked down at destinys pale face it almost looked like she was smiling but that couldn't be possible o didn't say anything for a long time I just stared then Raelynn spoke up "daddy I will give you some time" she walked out and I looked back at seating and reached up and layed my jeans in her forehead "I love you" I stood up to walk out then I looked back and walked over to her I stared at her lips then bent down and kissed her I stood up hoping something would happen but nothing did so I walked out a little bit of tears ran down my face but not much Raelynn walked up and reached up to hold my hand I looked down at her and she looked up at me "daddy did you kiss mommy" I bent down and picked her up "yea baby daddy did kiss mommy" she layed her head on my forehead "just wait daddy it will work" a tear ran down my face then we got in the car and went home

Laura pov

I walk in the hospital room and sat beside Destiny I looked at her pale face "Destiny I can't stay long I just wanted to say I love you" I bent down and kissed her forehead then got up and walked out "Laura"

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