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Ross pov

"No ashlynn you couldn't have don't say things like that" she stood up "but dad I did" I shook my head and walked out not wanting to believe what she said destiny was sitting on the couch and Rocky was standing at the front door I looked at him "she doesn't do much so you can do whatever just make sure to check on her" rocky put down a bag "don't worry bro I got this" I looked at destiny "you ready" she smiles "I think" I chuckled then picked up our suitcase we only needed one then we left

Ashlynn pov

I open the door just a little bit to where my eye could see fully through who did they even get to watch me I leaned a little bit to see it was my Uncle Rocky I used to think he was the coolest guy ever and me and him would tease my dad that I loved Rocky more I haven't seen him since my mom and dad got this new apartment we have to live in so Rockys by himself or with Lauren but he's usually by himself i lean a little more to see the TV he was watching old Disney shows he hasn't changed at all unlike everyone else I want to talk to him but I know if I do my dad probably will put him up to something to try to get answers out of me so I close the door and sit on my bed I pick up a book and flip it open then my door opens Rocky was standing there with cream soda in one hand and a bowl of Mac'n'Cheese in the other he motioned it towards me "you want some" i held out my hand to take it he sat the cream soda on my dresser then went to walk out but he stopped and turn to face me "hey I know you don't talk much but I wish you did you were my mini me now there's just me what good is that" a smile grew on my face then I hugged him I was very surprised but he hugged me back then my dad walked through my bedroom door but we kept hugging and now I was officially crying I missed my uncle rocky he's the only one that gets it my dad stood there amazed then my mom walked in "ross what is happening" he shook his head "I don't know" then I felt my Uncle Rocky pull away he reached down and wiped away some tears from my face "Ashlynn I'm here for you" I smiled then looked at my mom and dad they're faces were priceless my dad held out his hand and handed to me what was in it "we umm just came back to give you some money just in case" I nodded then they both walked out awkwardly I looked back at Uncle Rocky "what do you think this is for Uncle Rocky" he turned to me "you know you don't have to call me Uncle Rocky it's just Rocky and who cares he gave you money how much is it" I looked down to my hand then unfolded it in the top right corner it said 100

Ross pov

She hasn't even hugged me or destiny let alone Rocky what happened in there We are at a hotel but I want to go back I look over a Destiny she is sitting on the bed beside me with her knees pulled up to her chest and her face buried in her knees I hear her say something but I couldn't hear "what" I asked she lifted her head up "am I a horrible mom" i got up and sat down beside her then wrapped my arms around her she layed her head on my chest i thought for a moment "destiny if anyone's the bad parent its me" she looked up at me "but im the one who told you to not go looking for her" I shook my head "and I'm the one who tried to hide her from you so we both are bad parents" she layed her head back "maybe Chantelle was right maybe we shouldn't be together we always hurt someone when we are together"

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