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Ashlynn pov

She left me here by myself I stand up from the chair and call out "hello, anyone" I heard footsteps by the door I jumped and turned around there was a young boy about my age "who are you" I asked him he hid his self more but spoke "I'm Nick you?" I hesitated
"m-my names Ashlynn" he showed his self clearly now "your Ross's daughter your why laura took me she thought I knew you but I don't your the reason she tortured me" a tear ran down my face "I'm so sorry" he walked closer to me "you know they are going to go kill your mom and dad" my eyes widened and more tears came "what we have to stop them" he was now looking confused "how do you expect us to do that" I started crying more and now he was hugging me repeating softly "it's going to be ok" i pulled away after a few moments "how do you think we get out of here and to my mom and dad"

Ross pov

"Roxy what are you doing here" she smirked "I'm not related to you I'm laura and destinys sister" my life gets crazier by the minute "what wheres Ashlynn" Laura laughed harshly "why don't you come closer baby and find out" I turned to run then felt a sharp pain in my leg and fell I looked down and saw a small bullet sized hole in my leg, she shot me I turned to see them Laura stepped on my leg and pushed as hard as she could I let out a scream and clenched my fist she smiled "Now ross you are going to leave Destiny for me or the girl dies" I can't leave Destiny "Roxy me and you were close why are you doing this Destiny is your guys sister" Laura sighed "She has always been different from me, Roxy, and Jennifer" I narrowed my eyes "but Jennifer has never hurt us" Laura shook her head "that's a long story now are you going to do it or not" i took a deep breath "I want to see my little girl first" Laura and Roxy looked at each other then Roxy looked back at me "you can't" my head tilted "you don't even have her" i backed away and got on my feet they looked back and forth then laura looked at me "we left her in the woods by herself if you want us to save her you'll leave Destiny" I sighed "I will find her myself" Roxy smiled evily "how your injured" I looked down at my leg and back at them "fine but you will take me back to the party and bring her to me before I agree to anything" Laura went to say something but Roxy cut her off "deal get in the truck" I hesitated but let them help me in the truck Laura started the car and pulled out in the back of my mind I have a doubt they are taking me to the party

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