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Ross pov

"What do you mean" she shrugged "I don't know I just I feel like there is something wrong" I looked down at her then sat up but kept her up against me "Destiny what do you think is wrong tell me" she cuddled more up against me and I could feel her warm tears falling down my bare chest tears started coming from my eyes too I couldn't help it I hate when she cries it makes me feel like it's my fault I wrapped my arms around her more tight "Destiny please" she sat up and looked in my eyes "Ross I'm sorry I need to go I've done horrible things that I haven't told you about while we have been together in this past year and the years before that I hate hurting you I don't know why I do it that much I don't know what's wrong with me" she got up with tears streaming down her face grabbing her stuff I quickly stood up and put both of my hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes "Destiny I love you I will always love you" she started sniffling and trying to calm herself down "R-Ross you c-can't love me I-I'm horrible I've h-hurt you so m-much I'm a m-monster" she tried to walk away but I held on tighter with me still crying "destiny w-what do y-you mean" she wiped tears away from her face "ross sit d-down I need to tell you something" I sat down and she sat beside me "I mean I'm a cruel person to put you through what I have done" I turned to her "and what's that" she stood up and faced me "you really want to know" I nodded she looked down at her feet "first of all im pregnant" she looked up at me I narrowed my eyes "why is that so bad" she took a deep breath "it's not your baby" my eyes widened then I stood up "then who the hell is the dad" she gulped "I think it's Riker but there's more" I sat down there were more tears "Rocky is Raelynns real dad shor and her aren't really twins I saw Rocky during the time I left you" tears started running down my face "is there anymore" she sat beside me "ya but you shouldn't here it all at one time" I layed back "you know what the worse part of it is" she looked at me "what" tears started running down my face and I brought my hands up to my face to cry into them i felt her hand on the side of my face "Ross what's the worse part" o stood up and raised my voice "I STILL LOVE YOU" she but her bottom lip nervously "Ross I'm sorry" I took at deep breath to calm down "I forgive you" a confused look appeared on her face "why" I looked in her eyes "because I love you but you have to promise to do it never again can't we just be a happy family" she smiled and nodded "I promise thank you" she got up and hugged me I hugged her back we stood there for a couple minutes then she pulled back and layed her hands on my chest "Shor your crazy" a smile spread on my face "i know" she smiled then started to kiss me I pulled her down on the bed and got on top of her "Destiny" she didn't stop kissing my neck I raised my voice a little louder "Destiny" she pulled away "what" i rubbed my thumb along the side of her eye "we shouldn't do this" she sat up "why" I shrugged "I just" she cut me off "I understand" I smiled then rolled off of her then put my arm around her she layed her head on my chest "Shor" I smiled "yes" she looked up at me "I will never hurt you ever again"

Don't do it againWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu