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Ashlynn pov

My eyes shoot open and I look around me I was laying in bed how did I get here someone must have carried me I'm 15 I shouldn't be carried to bed but whatever I sit up and here the TV on I walk into the living room and see my dad laying on the couch with his boxers on and messed up hair I shield my eyes "DAD put on pants no one wants to see that" I heard him move then he said "I know someone who does and you can look now" I brought my hand back down he had a blanket over him I sighed "who mom" I said in a sarcastic tone he nodded with a evil smile "your pretty talkative" I started walking to the kitchen "ya" I thought my mom would be on there but she wasn't so I walked back to the living room and sat in the recliner "wheres mom and the kids" dad looked at me "they are out with rydel and the rest of the girls and kids" I leaned back "why wasn't i invited" he sighed "well you don't talk to them so" I took a deep breathe "well I'm going to talk now" he smiles "why because of Rocky" i shrugged he laughed "if you want to be like Rocky your going to have to talk way more" I tried not to laugh but I couldn't help it my dad looked up at me straight in the eye "ash why don't you like Riker" i shrugged then pulled my knees to my chest and let tears fall down my face" I squeezed my eyes shut and heard my dad putting on pants finally then felt him pull me into a hug i was now standing leaning into my dads chest crying my heart out even when it felt like a long time he didn't let go he just comforted me I felt his hand on my back rubbing it trying to get me to calm down I heard the soft shh coming from his mouth I kept crying till I could cry no more then I pulled back I looked up at his tear stained eyes why is he crying he must of seen the confusion " I don't like seeing you guys cry" he must be referring to me, mom, shor and Raelynn i bit my bottom lip "Riker always caused problems between you and mom and said hateful things" my dad shook his head "Ash he has changed" I nodded as in listening but wanted more "he would never do that to me and your mom again he's happy with Chantelle" I nodded "oh what happened to grampa" my dads face went mad "why would you even call him your grandpa he kidnapped you" I shook my head no "he didn't kidnap me I went with him" my dads eyes widened "you did what" I sat back down "When I left I saw laura and she said she'd help me so i let her and she told me how she was moms sister and told me about there dad so I stayed with them they treated me very good then they saw you guys were getting married and that's when they beat me and told me I would help them kill you but i told them we should just scare you at first then make you suffer so you could get away they still want to kill you but I'm not on there side" he looked down at the floor "I don't ever want you seeing them again and helping them" i sighed "I won't" he nodded then the door opened I looked up it was the girls and kids my mom looked at us "we are heading to Rockys for a random party meet you there?" My dad stood up "ya we will be there" then she left I looked up at my dad "will you treat me like I've been here the whole time today please" he smiled "I guess" then he started to walked away I stopped him "dad" he turned "what" I hugged him he hugged me back I said something in his chest and hopped he could here me "I love you thanks for being there for me I'm glad your my dad I don't know what I would do without you" I heard him say something in my ear "I love you too" I smiled then we pulled away and started getting ready i put on skinny jeans, converse, a tan shirt, and a flower headband then lightly curled my hair and did my makeup then walked out of the bathroom my dad was sitting in the couch he looked up at me "you look beautiful" I smiled then looked at a watch on his arm "where did you get that" he smiled then looked down at it "my dad" my eyes widened "I like it and I didn't know you had a dad" he looked back up at me she smiled "of course I have a dad" I giggled "what happened to him" he stood up and started taking the watch off then put it around my wrist "you don't need to know all you need to know is he loves you" i looked up at him "I can't take this he gave it to you" I went to take it off and he stopped me "he would want you to have it" I smiled then he looked at the door "we better get going" I nodded then we went outside and got in the car

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