↳ 𝙒𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙄𝙙𝙚𝙖

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You felt like a schoolgirl again as you got yourself ready for this unofficial date you had with Gojo. He had sent you an address to a restaurant where you'd meet up at around seven. He said he had work so you two wouldn't drive together to the restaurant.

All you could think about was the way he'd ask you out tonight. It had to happen tonight, you just had a feeling. A mix of excitement and nerves flowed through your body as you thought about it.

You were more into Gojo than you thought it was possible. He was just so perfect for you in nearly every way. And you could picture yourself having a future with him.

A smile came onto your face as you thought about the possible relationship.

Although Gojo acted differently after dinner. He went out on a walk and came back late. He didn't come to your room after, he didn't even bother saying goodnight. When you popped your head into his room to say goodnight he was asleep– or at least pretending to be.

There was also the possibility that he would kick you out of his home, a possibility that came into your mind after he left early in the morning without sending you a message or note anywhere. But you pushed that possibility out of your head as you got ready.

You put on a red skirt and a black turtleneck, not wanting to be too overdressed considering that the restaurant wasn't a fancy one. You had looked it up and it looked decent, however it didn't seem like a restaurant Gojo would pick.

The time read 6:30, and you were too excited to care about being too early. You grabbed your purse and phone before grabbing your shoes and running out the door.

You got there at 6:45 and looked around the place to find Gojo. As expected, he wasn't there yet. You sat down and looked over the drinks menu. You weren't sure if you wanted alcohol since you wanted to remember this day. Gojo might be your future husband and you wanted to remember vividly the night he asked you out– Was it too much?

Maybe it was too much but you thought you wouldn't regret it. You were nervous though, more than you liked to admit. You took deep breaths, and you felt your heart skip a beat as you waited. You weren't as excited as you'd like to admit though, you just had this weird feeling.

You ordered a soft drink and patiently waited. You began to check the time every minute and after the first three times you decided maybe you didn't have to obsess over it. He wouldn't stand you up.

And you hated to admit how you were freaking out when you looked at the clock and he was a minute late. Maybe he was caught up grading papers you thought. Gojo was too good to stand you up. He had sent you the address, of course he'd show up.

Ten minutes passed and you hadn't received a message. Now you were thinking of the worst. He wouldn't show up. And now you began to wonder what you had done.

The worst thought wasn't even as bad as this. You looked up and there he was. Not Gojo. Hikari. He smiled at you and you felt your stomach churn. He took a seat across from you.

"What-" You began but he interrupted you.

"I wanted to talk to you so your friend Gojo helped me out. He's not as bad as I thought." Hikari said. "I judged him too early."

"What-" You began again just to be interrupted again.

"Or maybe he just wants you out of his apartment." He joked with a laugh that made you want to puke. And you didn't intend to cry but your eyes got watery because of the joke. You were just so excited and it was frustrating that you didn't get what you wanted. And you doubted you would get it.

"Why did he help you?" You asked and got no response. You felt your heart crumble because you didn't think you had shown any signs of missing Hikari; Gojo just wanted you out of the home and maybe this was his way of telling you. "He asked you to, didn't he?"

"Why should that matter?" Hikari responded, not telling you the truth because he didn't want you running back to Gojo.

"You're right, why should it?" You replied as you got up and grabbed your purse. He watched you and stood up as well. He followed as you walked out of the restaurant.

"I want you back." He said which caught your attention. You turned around to look at him. "I didn't appreciate what I had with you."

"It's too late, Hikari. I don't want anything to do with you, go back to your girlfriends." You told him. You walked over to him and looked him up and down. "Be honest with me, before the open relationship for how long had you been cheating?"

"Cheating? I wasn't-" He intended to respond but he watched as you sighed. He knew you wouldn't take him back so he at least owed you the truth. "Three months. I didn't mean to but it-"

"I don't want to hear it. Thank you for being honest for once in your life." You answered before walking away, leaving him distraught with the fact that he couldn't solve anything.

It was the least that he deserved.

You drove back to Gojo's apartment, ready to ask him why he wanted to help Hikari. You were agitated and you felt as if you had to pack your bags the moment you got there. You just didn't understand why he helped Hikari out. What made him believe that you wanted to go back to Hikari?

His car was parked in its usual spot so he was there. You rushed to get to the apartment and unlock the door. You hoped he wasn't busy because you didn't want to interrupt him or have to wait around for him to finish up something.

It was fair to say you were interrupting something when the door opened. Your mouth fell open and the reason you wanted to cry earlier was nothing compared to this.

His tongue was practically down another woman's throat. They hadn't even noticed you as things kept escalating. Your keys fell down to the floor which was the thing that caught their attention. He saw you and your glassy eyes for a second before you turned to leave the apartment.

So that's why he wanted you out, so he could have a hook up. Now it was clear to you that Satoru Gojo didn't reciprocate your feelings

𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐍𝐞𝐞𝐝 [𝘚𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘶 𝘎𝘰𝘫𝘰]Where stories live. Discover now