↳ 𝙃𝙮𝙥𝙤𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚

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"Have a good evening, Satoru." You waved at the man before closing the door. The moment the front door shut, the bedroom door opened. Your husband came out, looking a bit upset. The expression written all over his face meant that he wasn't exactly pleased with what he just saw.

There was a glimmer of hope in that instance. Maybe he had finally come to his senses. You had been in the open relationship for three weeks, and you weren't attached to Gojo. He made nice company but it wouldn't hurt cutting him off from your life.

"Why-" He took a deep breath before continuing. "Why were you doing that on our sofa? In our home?"

"Hmm.... What? Is this your way of saying that the open relationship-" You began but he cut you off.

"This isn't about the open relationship. This is our home. Don't you have any type of respect for me? Like... On our couch? In our home?!" He asked which made you scoff. You rolled your eyes as you began walking to your bedroom, and he followed behind.

You began getting undressed. You ignored him as he rambled on about the same thing. Once you were just in your underwear you walked to the bathroom to remove your makeup, and he followed. When he had enough of your silence he slapped his hand over the door, and the loud sound startled you.

"Stop ignoring me." He said, while you stared at him. You hummed in response as you continued removing the foundation from your face.

"Let me get this straight. It's fine if you fuck someone else in our apartment but it's wrong if I do it?" You questioned, which made him click his tongue.

"You don't even have any proof that I've brought girls over. Unlike me. I saw you with my own two eyes as you gave that man head." He argued, and you rolled your eyes.

"Sometimes, my dear Hikari, you don't need to see it for yourself to know. You think I completely missed that blue thong? Wish I would've but it was a very hard detail to miss." You responded before you began to wash your face. He didn't say anything as you cleansed your skin. When you were finished you grabbed your face towel and patted your face dry.

"What blue thong?" He stuttered. Judging you was so easy for him, especially if you didn't know what he was doing. But you knew. You knew better than anyone.

"One from your little friends. Right under my side of the bed. Too tacky for my taste." You replied. You turned to try and get him out of the bathroom. You gently tapped his shoulder and pointed to the bed. "I need to shower. We'll talk about this later."

"No. I want to talk about it now." He claimed which pissed you off. You were about to push him out of the bathroom but knew that wasn't smart.

"And I want to talk about it later. Leave the fucking bathroom." Your voice was stern which luckily gave you the upper hand. He walked out of the bathroom, and you were quick to close the door.

"Fucking loser." You muttered under your breath as you turned on the faucet.


Mr. Tanaka sat across from you, his hand moving swiftly as he signed the paper. You sucked on a mint and you intently watched the man. His eyebrows furrowed and you could tell he wasn't the most comfortable as he sat there, across from you in your office. He had come willingly though.

He sighed and set the pen down a little too harshly against the table. You didn't say anything as you reached over to grab the contract and the pen. You smiled at him, and he was ready to leave. He had come to your office for that one thing, and he doubted you needed him anymore.

"Mr. Tanaka, before you leave." You spoke up which made him stop in his tracks. He looked back and hummed, raising his eyebrow. "Sorry, this is a bit of a personal question but I need to know. If you're so sure your wife is cheating on you, then why are you still with her?"

"Well, Mrs. L/N... I don't have solid proof." He answered, avoiding eye contact. You could tell that wasn't it.

"But if I do bring back solid proof that she's having an affair, what would you do?" You insisted. You wanted an answer. Maybe some type of reassurance that you weren't alone.

"Bring back the proof and then we'll see, Mrs. L/N. Have a great day." He was quick to respond. He hired you as a private investigator not as a therapist. He wasn't going to share his plans or worries with you.

You stood up and walked to the door to open it for him. When you met at the door, you extended your hand for him to shake. He shook it, and you smiled at him before speaking. "We'll stay in touch. Sorry for asking such a personal question."

He left and you shut the door, walking back to your desk. You sat down on your chair and leaned your head back. You knew he wouldn't do much. Or maybe he would.

You always had an irrational fear of divorce, and you always told yourself that you wouldn't end up like half of the people that got married. You didn't want to end up divorced because you would think of yourself as a failure.

Maybe you hoped that Mr. Tanaka would answer the same thing because you were nervous about being alone in that train of thought.

But would you let your fear get the best of you? Would you let yourself be stuck in an unhappy marriage?


You were about to get into your car but you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist. You were ready to fight back but he was quick to speak up, and you recognized his voice. "What are you doing around here?"

"Satoru, next time say something because I was about to end your life." You sighed in relief, as he rested his chin on your shoulder. He chuckled and stayed still for a moment before letting go of you. You turned to look at him. He was wearing a button-up shirt and dress pants, along with some awful sunglasses. You pointed at the building your office was in. "My office is there."

"Oh. That makes sense." He answered as he looked at the building. He put his hands in his pockets before looking back at you.

"What are you doing here? The nearest college campus is a couple of miles away so you're not here for work." You told him, and he chuckled before nodding.

"I have some... business here." He shared, and you rolled your eyes.

"Business. Just say you have a date, it's not that hard." You clicked your tongue. He sighed before speaking again.

"Yes, a date. Not sure how you would've handled that, though." He said and you raised your eyebrow.

"We're not dating. I have no right to be upset with you. Plus I'm literally married so it'd be hypocritical on my part to say anything." You responded. You unlocked your car before waving at him and walking to the driver's seat. You wanted to go home and take a nap, and you also didn't want to make Gojo late. He sure didn't seem to mind as he tapped on the window. You rolled it down and raised your eyebrow.

"How did your husband handle everything last night?" He questioned, which made you throw your head back on your seat and laugh.

"Please don't even ask. He's a fucking idiot." You commented. Gojo's mouth formed into an O, and he nodded.

"Also I lied, I don't have a date." Gojo told you out of the blue and you crossed your arms. You stared at him in complete silence, until he was compelled to tell the truth. "I lied again, I do have a date. Sorry."

"Satoru, I don't care. Go have your fun. I don't see myself having a future with you so I'm not going to get mad if you're messing around with other people."

"Right. Sorry for lying, again. I'll talk to you later."

𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐍𝐞𝐞𝐝 [𝘚𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘶 𝘎𝘰𝘫𝘰]Where stories live. Discover now