|| Chapter 13 ||

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A giant ship had suddenly appeared from the mist
The nearby sailors gasped in awe as you heard a series of woah's and ah's.
"It's a freighter! It just appeared out of nowhere" you said while squinting up to the large ship "I hope they have something to eat up there, and maybe water too" you sighed.
Joseph turned to Jotaro "Jotaro, something's bothering you isn't it? Are you worried there are other stand users on this thing too?" Joseph asked him. Did Jotaro look that upset? Well he always looks upset but maybe Joseph can tell if Jotaro is moody or not.
"Not quite. Strange they lowered the stairs but there isn't a single soul to be seen anywhere." Jotaro's words made your eyes widen, he was right. "Well, how about we meet whoever lowered the stairs, if there is anyone" you say as you're about to jump onto the steps. Polnereff jumps ahead of you, nearly making you fall back, you quickly grabbing the railing as Jotaro stood up to break your fall "oi watch where you're going" you warned him and he only smiled innocently at you "sorry (Y/n) but I just hate the sea y'know? Ruins my hair" he said before going up the steps.

"Wait a minute polnareff, we need to be careful. We just got done with a stand attack we can't just jump into whoever's arms that saves us" Joseph said while standing up. "There's six of us, I think we can handle whatever's on this ship" he said before going up the stairs again, you sighed while following behind Polnereff.
The small creaking of the ship was the only thing that can be heard.
You put your hand on your hip "so much for stand users, seems Jotaro was right about no one being on the ship" you frowned
Everyone made their way up to the control room, you barely entered the room when you heard Joseph talk "what's with this ship? There's no captain in the control room, no engineer in the radio room, there's no one anywhere!" He exclaimed while walking up to a large compass "all the gauges and machinery are working just like normal" He said while placing his hand on it.
"Uhm, maybe they're out for lunch?" You said with a small smile which earned a small groan from everyone in the room "hah sorry, Bloodhound hasn't tracked anyone yet, I don't even see their footprints or anything" you pointed to your eyes as the room became grey, you looked around and suddenly gagged "what the hell is that smell?" You muttered, Anne spoke up "guys come quick!" She said while pointing to a room.

You covered your nose as the world returned it's color, following everyone into the room you frowned "An ape. An ape's sitting in that cage" she explained.
It's freaky human like eyes focused on you and you stared at it in disgust "it's a orangutan, a really smelly one" you said and Jotaro looked at you "your stand gives you enhanced smell so you seem to be the only one smelling it" his said as he put a hand on your shoulder "do you need to leave the room?" He asked you and you only nodded "yeah, I'll be wandering if you guys need me" you quickly left the room to walk the halls, bloodhound appeared next to you and you looked up to the stand "no one? Damn, something's gotta be feeding that thing" you crossed your arms.
You opened your mouth to speak but you heard a faint scream, rushing to the sound you made it back outside to see a sailors head hanging from a crane.
The smell of blood filled your senses and you covered your mouth "good grief, this is no way to greet a lady"

You stopped walking when you saw a sailor hanging from the crane by their head "oh my god I'm gonna be sick" you said with a frown before looking at the controls "no one was touching the lever! The crane moved by itself" the sailors said to each other, you grabbed Anne by the shoulder "let's get you out of here you're too young to be seeing this" you sighed as you led her away from the grotesque scene. "Keep your guard up (Y/n) there's someone here!" Joseph yelled to you and you only waved back with a smile "don't worry Mr. Joestar, I am well aware of me and bloodhounds abilities!" You said before turning away and walking off with Anne.
You never liked kids in the first place and you weren't planning to have some in the future, Anne seemed to be the only exception to liking a kid for you. "Damn I wish they had something to eat on this thing" you said with a sigh and Anne looked up to you, she was about to open her mouth before you stopped her "no you can't cuss like I can, you're still eight" you rolled your eyes and she frowned "I'm only 11!" She whined in protest and you chuckled "okayyyy if you insist" you replied before walking ahead, she had no choice but to catch up to you.

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