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You grew up in a wealthy household, your father being a nurse and your mother being a CEO. You never wanted to brag about your family's income and your father would donate his money to anyone that needed it.
You were alone your whole childhood and no one really wanted to be your friend. That was until you saved a boy from some bullies then you made one friend, Jotaro Kujo. You two were inseparable and you always hung out at their home, even spending the night sometimes. One night while you were at the Kujo residence your mother and father got into a heated argument, your mother got physical on your father and she accidentally started a fire causing her death and your father to be scarred on the face. The death of your mother wasn't as hurtful as you thought it was, maybe because she wasn't always there for you or maybe you were too young.

Now being 17 you work hard to achieve your goals, maybe even if getting into a few fights and being labeled as one of the school delinquents was part of your goal. You didn't know.

|| An unexpected Journey || (Jotaro Kujo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now