|| Chapter 10 ||

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What is Polnereff doing here?
"I never thanked you properly for freeing me from Dio's contol" Polnereff said as he did a small bow, Avdol stopped him "don't thank me, thank Jojo since he's the one that got the flesh bud out of you" Avdol replied, Jotaro only hid his face away with his hat in response.
Polnereffs face turned to something regretful before he spoke up "I'm sorry this may come off as rude but I'm not quite finished here" He said before walking up to Joseph and pointing to his hands. "Monsieur Joestar, forgive me for asking this bizarre question. I know it's none of my business but I noticed you never took off your gloves, even while eating. Your left hand wouldn't happen to be a right hand would it?" He asked.

This question made everyone look at each other with questionable looks, there's no way his left hand is actually a right hand. "Well that really is a bizarre question, but what are you talking about?" Joseph questioned while he crossed his arms.
"I'm looking for the man who murdered my sister"
Those words made your throat dry up, a murderer with two right hands? Is Polnereff on a journey of revenge? Maybe that's why he was with Dio, you couldn't imagine what it was like to lose your father.

"I don't know what the man looks like but all I know Is he has two right hands" Polnereff said sadly before Joseph took off his glove, revealing a prosthetic hand "it's a wound from fifth years ago when I had to fight pillar men" he said as he showed Polnereff his hand.

"I found Dio a year ago after I searched for my sister's murderer, he gave me that flesh bud then I was ordered to kill you all. I felt it was the right thing to do for answers" Polnereff said as he hund his head in shame.
"Dio is quite the manipular, who know how much people he has under his spell" Avdol said as he closed his eyes and crossed his arms, deep in thought. "Indeed, and to tell by that story the man with two right hands is probably already working under Dio" Kakyoin added on as he put his hand on his chin. You nodded "he could easily use the flesh bud to trick other people into being his minions" you pointed out, Avdol and Kakyoin agreeing with you.

"Then I've made up my mind! I want to travel with you to Egypt and take revenge on my poor sister!"
After a quick photoshoot with some random girls on the dock everyone was relaxing on the dock. You sat in a sunchair with a water bottle in hand, you changed into a bit of lighter clothes with your swimsuit underneath "I'll admit this boat is kind of nice, and we'll only have to be on here for three days" you said with a smile as you took a sip from your water. It seems Joseph changed his clothes as well, something more suited for the water.

"We should be there in three days so just relax till then, but before we could I have a question for you two" Joseph said while looking over to Jotaro and Kakyoin "why the hell are you guys still in those uniforms? Why don't you change into something else?" He asked while raising a brow.
The two guys laid out on sunchairs, kakyoing silently reading a book while Jotaro rested his eyes.
Joseph pointed to you "even (Y/n) has changed her clothes, why can't you guys be normal?" He asked which earned a small chuckle from you "I changed because I know it's going to be hot as hell, and my definitely super cool outfit is too hot for it" you said with a smile before a pair of sunglasses got thrown at you by Jotaro.

"Well we are students" Jotaro sat up with an annoyed look on his face "agreed, we are good students and good students always dress the part" Kakyoin finished, not even looking up from his book.
You have them an annoyed look, Kakyoin being a good student was believable but Jotaro was pushing the good student role "yeah, they earn gold stars for every thing they do" you rolled your eyes before closing them and laying back on your chair.

"Japanese students are such stiffs" Joseph said as he walked away to Avdol, Avdol nods "I see, so this is what they call Bushido. Like they say, clear your mind, and even the flames feel cool" He spoke his wise words before Polnereff straightened up "that's all well and good, but that won't get you any girls" He said while putting his hand on his chest, it looked like he was going to say more things but he got interrupted by someone yelling.
"Let go! Let go of me you big jerk!"
Those words got your interest and you opened your eyes to see the commotion, you sat up to see that a sailor was holding a stowaway.
"Shut your trap ya brat!" The sailor yells as the kid kicks at him, trying to get free of his grip.

"Hey! What's going on? I thought we agreed there'd be no other passengers onboard with us." Joseph said as he walked towards the scene, the sailor looked back at the older man. "Sorry sir, it's just a stowaway. This little brat was hiding in one of the storage holds below." The sailor responded before the kid starts yelling.
You sighed before standing up and walking towards the commotion, Avdol and Polnereff following too.
"Hey! Back away or I'll freaking break your balls!" The kid yelled, you put your hand to your mouth to keep yourself from laughing, is this kid seriously giving them trouble?

"Tell that to the police you little shit, I dare ya" the sailor held the kid up and they stopped kicking around "what? The cops? Wait I'm sorry just please let me go, I just wanted to go to Singapore to see my dad, I'll do anything! You can even put me to work for my ticket!" The kid rambled on and on.
You raised a brow at the kids sudden change in attitude "meeting your dad in Singapore? Can't believe he's letting a kid as small as you wander on your own" you said with a sigh.
You barely looked away for a second before you heard a scream from the sailor, you look back to see that the kid but him before jumping in the water! You rain to the railing "what the hell kid?!" You yelled down to the kid before taking off your shirt and pants. You thanked whatever God there is that you loved swimming before, you were about to jump before Jotaro stopped you.

"Just leave him, he wouldn't have jumped in if he wasn't a decent swimmer. And besides your going to get all wet" he said as he held your wrist. You raised a brow "as much as I hate kids I can't just leave one stranded in the middle of the ocean" you said before you heard a yell.
"There's a shark in the water!" One of the sailors yelled.

God damn it- you gently made Jotaro let go of your wrist before you jumped off the ships railing. You dove through the water and you quickly swam towards the kid, Bloodhound materialized and grabbed them before you could, he dragged him over to you and you frowned "what the hell is your problem kid?!" You said as they kicked in your arms. "Don't make me hit you in the boob! Let me go!" The kid screamed, an angry look washed over your face "you wouldn't dare" you smirked before swimming towards the ship. You paused "wait- your voice" you muttered as you flicked off their hat, revealing long curly black hair "a girl! Thank god I was the one to get you, who know what would have happened if one of those guys accidentally grabbed you somewhere inappropriate" you sighed.

The shark got closer but you only swam faster "It's going to get them!" You heard Joseph yell, you looked back to see the shark right behind you. You nearly paused, that wasn't a shark! "Wait! That isn't a shark! (Y/n) hurry up or it might get you!" You heard Joseph yell. the kid screamed and you held them tightly.

Your eyes widened once you saw star platinum beat the thing to a pulp under the water. Suddenly you felt something wrap around you and you looked up to see Hierophant Green lift you up to the boat.
Once you were back on the boat you dropped the kid and fell to your knees panting, you hadn't swam that much in years. "Thank you Kakyoin and Jotaro, if it wasn't for the both of you we would have been fish bait" you chuckled lightly before Jotaro threw a towel onto you.
"Now what do we do with this brat?"

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