|| Chapter 4 ||

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"good thing I've already made my move"
You walked over to the Kujo residence to see Holly give Jotaro a goodbye kiss, you chuckle at her affection. Jotaro walks over to you and he sighed "we don't have to walk together to school all day" he spoke as he pulled his hat down "good grief" he muttered, you smiled "but I don't want to walk alone without my best friend" you spoke before walking ahead.
Jotaro easily catches up "what did the old man mean by you having a stand?" He asked you, you frowned "I think I have a stand at least, it has a mind of it's own and i don't really know how to control it" you explained.

Jotaro remained quiet and you opened your mouth to speak up before you hear a crowd of girls saying his name.
Your frown worsened and you quickly walked ahead, the girls fawning over Jotaro became easily annoying but whenever he yelled at them to go away they seemed to get closer.
Jotaro noticed your sudden distance and he walked beside you "jeez woman, I thought you wanted to walk to school together" he put his hands in his pockets.
"Well your fanclub can be a bit overwhelming sometimes" and to prove your point a girl wrapped her arms around Jotaro's arm.

"Jojo why haven't you been to school? You were absent for four days" she asked and Jotaro looked down at her, she blushed and smiled. Another girl shoved her away "why are you clinging to his arm like that? No boobs" she yelled while the other girl retorted with ugly.
They yelled at each other before Jotaro looked back "shut the hell up! You're annoying!" He yelled which caused you to yelp, he looked at you then quickly looked away, walking off.
You stood there alone. You felt the hair on the back of your neck spike up and you furrowed your eyebrows, it felt like you could hear anything from anywhere. You hear a faint splash of paint and you look to the source, a red haired man with a paint brush was currently painting. You got bad vibes from him and you walked ahead to see Jotaro tumbling down the stairs.

You're eyes widened and you rushed down the stairs, shoving the girls aside. "Jotaro what the hell happened?" You asked and he got up from the bushes "I must have cut myself on a branch" he explained. You suddenly felt something in your pockets and you put your hands in your pockets.
You brought out a small root and you instantly recognized it, it was what that samurai fed you. You quickly shoved it into Jotaro's face "here eat this, it will slow the bleeding" you explained.
"What the hell? I'm not eating that shit-" you shoved it into his mouth before he could finish his sentence, the pain slowly went away.

"Thanks" he used his hat to hide his face but you could see a small smile on his face.
The girls all surrounded him while bombarding him with questions, you sighed and you put your hands in your pockets "go to class!" You yelled and they looked at you in surprise. No they were looking at the man behind you, the man from earlier seemed to come down the stairs and stand behind you.
You quickly turned around and back away, Jotaro stood beside you
"Are you alright?" The man asked while giving Jotaro a handkerchief to wrap the wound. "Yeah it's just a scratch" Jotaro's words earned a scoff from you "more than a scratch" you muttered while crossing your arms.

Jotaro sighed while looking down at you, the man walked away but Jotaro stopped him before he could go any further "hold it" the man looked back at you two "thanks, I haven't seen you before. Are you new?" He asked and he handed you the handkerchief.
"I'm Noriaki Kakyoin, I recently moved here" Kakyoin said before walking off again "you should have that checked by the nurse" was his final words before disappearing in the crowd.
"Jeez Jotaro don't be so stingy!" The nurse said with a smile. You decided to go with Jotaro to the nurse purely out of boredom, and to see if those roots would work on him too. "I am not taking off my pants" Jotaro said to her while glaring at her. "Well either take off your pants or let me cut them" the nurse talked back while putting her hand on her hip, in her other hand she held a pair of scissors.
"I could leave the room if you want" you told Jotaro while standing up.
He grabbed your hand and pulled you back down into your seat "good grief...just stay in here, you don't want to get caught by a hall monitor" He spoked while looking away from you, his hand still holding yours.

"Say, how did Jotaro get hurt? Definitely not in a fight at least, our Jojo never gets hurt" one of the boys on the bed spoke.
You raised a brow while looking at him, our Jojo? Is that what the school thinks of him?
"I cut it on a branch, now piss off" Jotaro said while letting go of your hand, he quickly stood up and went away from the nurse, probably somewhere discreet to take off his pants.

"Since Jojo will be taking off his pants I might as well take your temperatures to prove that you're faking being sick" the nurse turned away from you two and she started to rummage through her supplies.
Jotaro adjusted his large jacket, the small handkerchief fell out and Jotaro bent down to pick it up while muttering a small whoops. He gasped slightly and he read the words written on it 'Jotaro Kujo, (Y/n) (l/n), I will kill you today with my stand! - Noriaki Kakyoin'

Jotaro quickly looked at you and he showed you the note, you frowned and you quickly stood up."what the hell? Kakyoin?" You asked. Both you and Jotaro looked at each other while trying to think, before the both of you heard the two boys yelp in fear "s-sensei!" One of them yelled. You broke eye contact and you looked at the nurse as she violently whipped around a pen.
"What are you doing?!" The other yelled "what does it look like?  Resetting the thermometer" she said while getting closer to them. "That's a pen sensei!" They both yelled, the nurse seemed to get angrier at their words.

"A pen?! How stupid can you be?! This is a thermometer! She yelled. You noticed a green and white sting attached to the bottom of her. You elbowed Jotaro and he only nodded, indicating that he saw it too.
"Then have a better look!" The nurse yelled before stabbing one of the students in the eye. You gasped and your eyes widened, something was definitely going on, is she possessed maybe?
The student screamed in pain as the nurses moved the pen around in his eye, Jotaro used his hand to shield your eyes from this horror but you shoved them away.

You ran up to the nurse and you grabbed her arm "what the hell are you doing?! Aren't you supposed to be a professional?!" You yelled as you pulled her back from the student. She turned back to you "oh sweet (Y/n) you don't think this is a pen do you?" She asked you as she started to wave the pen Infront of your face, you backed up to keep yourself from getting hurt.
Jotaro grabbed the woman and he got her away from you before the nurse stabbed him in the cheek with the pen.
"T-This power isn't one of a woman's" he spoke and you scoffed loudly.

"You're different (Y/n) you're manly or something" he muttered before shoving the woman down. "She must be possessed!" You yelled "precisely" those words made you quickly turn to whoever spoke, seeing the familiar red haired man.
Noriaki Kakyoin

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