|| Chapter 12 ||

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Before a sudden water current crush you to the sea floor
Bloodhound had materialized and used his body to soften the crush to the sea floor. You looked around then saw Dragon near Jotaro, you balled your fist and you looked around. This wasn't good, you and Jotaro were in the stands playground right now and you two could drown any second. You swam over to Jotaro as he was crushed to the sea floor as well, you saw Dragon chuckle under the water.
"Welcome! Welcome! So glad you could join me in the water depths, where dark blue moon rules." Dragon spoke through the water, he quickly whipped his head towards you "your damn stand has no chance here, I reign supreme on the moon card" he spoke with a sinister smile. His words made you double take and you frowned, you used Bloodhounds voice as your own. "Don't get too cocky you fish bait" Bloodhound spoke, their deep voice made Dragon flinch and he growled.

"You both should have never underestimated me, brother. We may be underwater but our stands can still talk, like what you did earlier you brat. So how about you pop out another one of those cocky one-liners before you did" Dragon spoke as his stand growled.
"So what would you like after I'm done with you? Tell me what kind of fish dish you want to be? Fish paste? Or maybe sashimi? I'll make one hell of a meal out of your stand" Star spoke and you nearly laughed before remembering you're underwater.
"I can't believe you did that" bloodhound spoke with a sigh. "Stop trying to act all tough. I know what your thinking, "how long can this guy stay underwater? I could probably last two minutes tops, but can he last longer?" Am I right brother?" Blue moon asked and you frowned. Jotaro wasn't always the greatest swimmer and you knew that, he was probably the first one to go if he tried to hold his breath that long, the best you can go is 5 minutes.

"Well let me answer that! My lung capacity is 3 times the size of a normal human, for years I've been training. My personal best is 6 minutes and 12 seconds! I bet you're getting dizzy just think about it. And!" Oh great, he's still talking? You looked back and forth with a bored expression on your face.
"Blue moons find can slice through the water with sharp, screw like rotations!"
Bloodhound pointed to Dragon "well that's funny, because last time I checked I took a nice chunk out of that back fin. How's his swimming going now?" Bloodhound spoke in a monotone voice, His voice made Dragon frown "I can swim just nicely, even with a large hole in my fins, now before you come up with another witty remark you should check your stand!"

Both of your eyes widened and you looked over to Jotaro or Star platinum then to bloodhound. Barnacles coated both of your stands arms and legs "Jotaro you need to go up to breathe, I can last a little longer but I know you can't" Bloodhound warned him and he started to swim towards the surface while you swam towards Dragon.
"Trying to escape to the surface and attack me? Take a good look around you! Haven't you realized Blue moons been busy making a whirlpool?" Dragon crossed his arms with a smile.

You grunted and a few bubbles came from your mouth before you got sucked into the whirlpool along with Jotaro, you swam with the current to get to him faster. You grabbed onto his arm and pushed him towards the surface, he couldn't get very far without getting sucked back in.
You reached back up to him before dozens of sharp scales cut into your hand and cheek, no way, his stand was releasing it's scales in the whirlpool to try and make it a giant cheese grater!
"I'll take another guess on what you're thinking now! "A whirlpool has one point of calm." I can read you like a book! "It's the eye, if I jump into the center where he is, I can attack him." That's what you're thinking isn't it?" Dragon laughed again.

You scoffed, the only thing on you mind was to get Jotaro some damn air! Is this guy just making up words at this point? You felt the barnacles go up your legs, you could barely move at this point and the barnacles already drained enough energy from you.
"Weren't you going to turn me into sashimi boy?! You're the one that's going to be sliced up!" Blue moon yells as it goes for the attack, it raised it's hand to attack Jotaro but Bloodhound moved through and sliced one of it's fingers off, it shoved blue moon aside before barnacles completely restrained his movements "hah, that's the last of my energy Jotaro..please beat his ass for me"
Suddenly two fingers broke through the barnacles and stabbed into dark blue moon.

"Star finger!!" Spar platinum broke off it's frontal lobe and Jotaro looked over to Dragon "Looks like you're sashimi after all" He spoke as Dragon tried to talk but only made gurgling noises. "What's that? I can't hear you. You're going to have to speak up! We're under water!" Jotaro said as he swam towards you.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and you could feel the barnacles break away. "Your power was being drained..you let yourself go limp on purpose to concentrate your power in your fingers" Dragon said while he slowly sank to the bottom.

Jotaro wiped off some barnacles off you "nope, not even close. The only thing on my mind is how gross it'll be when I kick your stupid ass, and you piss yourself under water." His words made you look at him in disgust.
The fuck? "You're gross Jotaro" bloodhound spoke as he vanished. Jotaro quickly started to swim up to the surface, pulling you with.
You both broke the surface and you took deep breaths as you held onto Jotaro "that's...that's it" you spoke in between each breath "I'm never swimming ever again" you said before Jotaro flicked your forehead "yeah, what the hell were you thinking trying to get me to the surface? That only got more barnacles on you" he said with a small frown. "Jojo! (Y/n)!" You heard Kakyoin yell and you looked up to them on the ship.

"Well done Jotaro and (Y/n)! Now get up here before-" as Joseph was about to throw a lifejacket to the both of you the ship suddenly shook.
You looked back and your eyes widened "guys! Get out of there! That fucker planted bombs!" You yelled to them as they quickly climbed into lifeboats.
Rubble flew everywhere and Jotaro held you right as he quickly dove under the water to try and dodge a large piece of metal. The both of you resurfaced "thanks Jotaro, we almost got crushed there" you said with a sigh before you let go of him.
He didn't let go of you though and he swam over to everyone's boat, he tossed you aboard and Kakyoin handed you your bag, you smiled brightly to him "oh thanks Kakyoin! I thought I lost everything" you said before the bait shook from Jotaro climbing on.

You nearly fell off before you regained your balance "well we have a distress signal sent so help should arrive soon" Joseph said while he sat down, you noticed the kid was on the boat with everyone and you sat next to her.
After a while of just awkward and sad silence you decided to break it "sooo...kiddo" you said while popping your lips "what's your name?" You asked her and she looked at you "my name's Anne, and I assume you're (Y/n)? Those guys yelled your name like a million times today" She spoke and you nervously chuckled.
"Hah..well- I usually get into trouble so it's natural they're worried" you said with a small smile.

It's been a couple of hours before the ship blew up. You shivered while scooting away to the end of the boat, Jotaro had already given you his jacket as a blanket but it wasn't enough. The sun had already set and everyone was sitting in the dark under the stars, mostly everyone was asleep except for you and Jotaro.
"You look like you're thinking about something" you spoke up while laying down, you stared over to him and he let out a sigh. "Just thinking about how this is the second sabotage from trying to get to Egypt" he said as he stood up, he stepped over Joseph and Anne who were laying on the ground. He sat next to you and he crossed his arms again "and how I miss everything, not having the threat of dying every day" he said and those words made you think a bit.
"Well there's alot of us here so we could definitely take the next stand user, teamwork" you said and he only hummed in response.
"I kind of miss dad..I know he's worried sick right now and he's probably all alone in that home" you frowned, you tried to cover up more with his Jacket "I just hope we can make it before Holly..." You slowly stopped talking before you turned away from Jotaro.

"That's enough, I'm going to bed so goodnight Jotaro" you said while closing your eyes. "Goodnight (Y/n)"
You suddenly got woken up by water spraying on your face, you quickly sat up and you balled your fist "very funny, I'll beat the sh-" you quickly stopped once you realized Anne was the one who sprayed water all over your face.
You groaned and wiped the rest of the water off your face before you slowly handed Jotaro his jacket "what's the commotion?" You heard Jotaro say as he woke up.

Anne pointed towards the most while violently stuttering, finally after a few attempts she yells "Everyone, look!" Everyone seemed to open their eyes and look to wherever she was pointing.
You slowly started to look up before covering your mouth "oh my god...it's huge!" You yell as you started to see what the shape was.
A giant ship had suddenly appeared from the mist

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