|| Chapter 7 ||

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"Why? Did you need to be my knight in shining armor?"
Those words caused Jotaro to gently hit you in the back of your head "dont be so full of yourself (Y/n), you nearly got kidnapped" Jotaro sighed "sometimes I forget how annoying you are" he looked away from you and you chuckled.
"I know, but you still stick around right?" You said while looking away from him.
Silence washed over you two while the sun started to set, you stood up from the ground.
"I should get going...dad isn't going to be home so I should start cooking myself dinner now" you ran your hand through your hair while you thought of what to cook, maybe some simple ramen.
Jotaro stood up as well and he grabbed your wrist "just eat dinner here, me and Holly knows your dad is a very busy man. Sometimes Holly even worries about you when you're home alone" he said while letting go of you and pulling down his hat.
It looked like he wanted to say something too but he dropped it "maybe even stay the night, you could keep watch of Kakyoin or something" he muttered before walking off.

You watched him walk off and you sighed, you decided to stay for dinner and even stay the night. You walked into the room Kakyoin and Holly were in, you knelt down next to Holly "Seiko, I hope you don't mind me asking, but can I stay for dinner and possibly stay the night?" You asked her, she smiled brightly "oh of course honey! I'll prepare a room for you" Holly stood up and she looked at Joseph.
"See daddy? Just call me Seiko" she posed before rushing off.
Joseph looked at you and he smiles "Im not calling her that" he said and you chuckled, you put on your shoes and you rushed back home.
You came back with a small bag of clothes, luckily dinner was done and you walked into the dining room. Holly was gone but the food was already on the table, you went to sit by Avdol but a hand rested on your shoulder.
You looked up to see Jotaro "you're sitting by me" he said as he led you over to the seat next to him. "Where's Holly?" You looked at Joseph "She went to give Kakyoin dinner, I suggested that she left him alone but my babygirl is too kindhearted to let him starve" Joseph spoke before Holly walked into the room.
She smiled at you and Jotaro before sitting at the head of the table "oh how I missed having everyone here to eat dinner" she spoke while holding her hands together.

"Even papa came from the states to see us" she looked at him and he chuckled "anything for you!" He said while eating.
Jotaro rolled his eyes at the two and silently ate.

After dinner Holly led you to the guest room near Kakyoin, you told her you would take care of him while he was resting. You placed your bag on the bed/futon before changing. Once you were done you opened the sliding doors to look outside. You sat down and stared up at the night sky, you let out a sigh "what am I going to do now?" You asked yourself, holding your legs close to your chest.
A few minutes pass by before you smelled smoke, you quickly whipped your head to the side to see Jotaro standing there in his pajamas smoking a cigarette. You rolled your eyes "smoking isn't a good look on You Jotaro" you heard a low grunt and footsteps, Jotaro sat next to you.
"I always look good" he mumbled before putting out the cigarette. "You should sleep soon, you got school tomorrow" he said which made you scoff. "And you? I wanna help too ya know" you frowned.
"I know you want to help but this isn't about you" He looked down at you. "Then why did I suddenly develop a stand hm? This just doesn't make any sense, and last time I checked I'm not related to the Joestar's in any way. Maybe it's fate" you said while standing up and walking to your bed.

"Good grief, you and this fate stuff" Jotaro remained outside "just go to bed already damn it"
"Holly! Hey, Holly!!"
The sounds of Joseph yelling for his daughter had woken you up, you didn't even move from the bed "god damn it" you muttered before sitting up, brushing your hand through you hair you realized the doors were closed and there was an extra set of blankets on you. Did Jotaro do this? The thought of that made you smile to yourself, he was always a big softie on the inside.
You slowly got ready for school, not really excited to go. You walked out to see Jotaro at the doors "oh, you're actually going to school?" You asked him while holding your bag close. "It's better than staying here and listening to that old man" he grumbled before looking back, probably waiting for his goodbye kiss from Holly.

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