|| Chapter 2 ||

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"You'll pay for that (L/n)!!"
Tadashi slapped your cheek which made you stumble back a bit, you placed your hand on your cheek and you scoffed "I hate it when you speak lowly of women" you said before groaning. This headache was getting worse, you saw something out of the corner of your eye, what was a traditional samurai doing here?
Jotaro placed his hand on your shoulder to keep you from falling over, he glared at tadashi before stepping forward.

You leaned against the wall while Jotaro kicked one of his goons aside, the samurai didn't go away, hell it looked like it was getting closer.
It placed it's hand on your shoulder and it reached down into a small bag on its waist with it's free hand, it pulled out a small root and it raised the root up to your mouth. "Do I really have to eat that" you muttered and it- no he, nodded while letting out a low grunt.
You bit into the root and had some difficulty eating it but swallowed it. Soon your headache went away and the sting from the slap faded, your eyes widened and you looked up to the samurai "thank you" you smiled before looking at the goons trying to hit Jotaro.

You ran up to one about to hit him and you punched them in the cheek, kicking him into the ground. "And (Y/n) is back into the game" you said with a smirk, you could see the smile falter in Tadashi. He backed away and he pointed to you and Jotaro "get them! I don't want to see them walk out of this alleyway" he said while he looked around for an escape.
The samurai figure ran over to Tadashi and held him down to the ground, pinning him, you smiled to the samurai before you got punched in the gut. You held your gut and you looked up to the goon that hit you.
Another came to his side and they both started to kick you to the ground while yelling insults to you, your vision started to fade as you lost consciousness until you heard one last thing a voice you didn't recognize.
You woke up to the sound of your dad crying, damn it was he that worried again? You opened your eyes and sat up "what the hell happened" you muttered only to be shushed by your dad.
"Jotaro got arrested and they found you unconscious at the crime scene, they didn't arrest you because they thought you were the one attacked" your dad said while hugging you.

You nearly jumped off the couch "Jotaro got arrested?!" You said as you paced around the room "what will holy think? That sweet woman with a child like him is sure to have a heart attack someday" you said before sighing.
"I'll go visit her, I'll see you later love you dad" you quickly decided before waving bye and running towards the Kujo residence.
It wasn't a long run and you quickly got there, roughly knocking on the door you anxiously waited outside until the door opened. It revealed a large old man who dressed up as an explorer, you looked up to him with a confused look on your face "er- who are you?" You asked and he smiles at you.

"I'm Joseph Joestar! Jotaro's grandpa, I'm assuming you're his girlfriend right? I know how worried you must be but Jotaro is doing just fine" Joseph explained before stepping aside, inviting you into the home.

You walked inside and towards the living room, you've basically memorized the building "holly!" You yelled once you saw the kind woman giving tea to another man, you ran up to her and gave her a hug. "I'm sorry Holly it's my fault Jotaro is in jail, we got into a fight and I couldn't help him" you explained before you let go of her. She only smiled at you before placing her hand on top of your head. "Oh (Y/n) you are too sweet, but I just can't help it, I can't be mad at my Jotaro. He was portecting you while you were unconscious" she said before sighing. "But I don't know what I could do with that boy, we're going to visit him in a bit if you want to come"

You smiled and you quickly nodded "I want to come with" you said before you were interrupted by a cough. You turn your head to another large man, his outfit made you raise a brow, was he from Egypt or something?
You quickly bowed "oh I'm sorry sir I didn't know you were here" you quickly apologized and the man only chuckled.
"It's fine miss, I didn't want to interrupt" he said before standing up. "My name is Muhammad Avdol and I'm mister Joestar's friend" he said with a smile.

"It's nice to meet you, but why are you two here?" You asked while crossing your arms, Joseph walked into the room and looked at Avdol, as if asking him for permission to tell you.
"We're here because my grandson is in jail claiming he has a evil spirit and we know exactly what he's talking about" Joesph explained. Your eyes widened "is that what I heard before I passed out?" You asked which surprised the two.
"You heard it? Tell us what did it sound like? Or what did it look like?" Avdol asked you.

"It sounded like it yelled 'ORA!' " you said while tapping your chin "I didn't get a look at it, there was another thing there too, a samurai looking guy who fed me roots to heal me" you said which got you a dramatic gasp from Joseph. "She could have a stand maybe, can you bring out your stand?" He asked and you shrugged your shoulders.
"I would if I could but I don't know how" you said before yelping, the samurai looking at everyone in the room, even Holly looked shocked.

"She has a stand!!"

|| An unexpected Journey || (Jotaro Kujo x reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα