|| Chapter 5 ||

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Noriaki Kakyoin
"Hey. Short time no see" He spoke with a smile on his face, he leaned back on the window with his arms crossed. "My stand possessed that nurse and is now controlling her" Noriaki held up a puppet and he started to move it around "attacking my stand means you will hurt that nurse too, JoJo and (Y/n)"
You scoffed at those words, how heartless can this guy be to possess a woman with no stand? "Listen here you fucking-" you started as you walked towards him before Jotaro used his stand to grab you, preventing you to go any further.

"You bastard, just who the hell are you?!" Jotaro yelled while holding the nurse back, she already had the pen stabbed into his cheek but Jotaro seemed surprisingly calm. "I told you. My name is Noriaki Kakyoin and the name of my stand is Hierophant Green. I am human, but my loyalty is to him...therefore, I shall kill you both!" Those words made your eyes widen, him..Dio!!
You manage to grab the nurses arm and you forced her to get the pen out of Jotaro's cheek, you saw glowing eyes down the back of her throat and you almost gagged "w-what the hell?!" You backed away.
Jotaro grabbed the back of the nurses head and he shoved her face onto his, giving her a kiss, you quickly looked away "J-Jotaro!! I didn't know you were into older women!" You yelled which only pissed off Jotaro.

"Im not!" He yelled as he pushed himself back, Jotaro's stand appeared and it ripped out Hierophant Green out of the woman's body, causing her to fall to the ground. "Now that I've dragged it out..I see it's just a sleazy stand that can't do anything but possess people" You smile at his words while looking at kakyoin.
You summoned your stand, the large samurai figure towered over you, it's eyes landed on Kakyoin and it brought out it's sword.
The sight of your stand made Jotaro stop in his tracks, he stared at your stand, looking at every inch of it.
You sent your stand to attack Kakyoin, it slashed at him but he quickly dodged it by throwing himself across the room. "What an interesting stand (Y/n) certainly not anything I've seen before, though it doesn't suit you at all" Kakyoin smirked.

Jotaro's stand bit down harder on Kakyoins and Kakyoin winced, this must have been hurting him too. Jotaro's stand punched Hierophant and then grabbed it by it's head, crushing it. "Kakyoin, (Y/n)'s stand suits her very well, but yours looks like a shiny melon" Jotaro spoke with a small smirk.
Kakyoin winced again before you ran up to Kakyoin, you punched him and he fell to the ground. He quickly got up and tried to land a punch on you but you loved to the side, landing another punch on Kakyoin "stand users don't even use their fists to fight!" You yelled before kicking him down.

"Y-You will regret dragging that out of her!" Kakyoin yelled before holding out his hands "feel the attack of my stand! Emerald splash!" He yelled while water and large emeralds shot out of his stands hand.
Jotaro quickly rushed over to you and he used his body as a shield from the emeralds, the emeralds stabbed through him and blood gushed out of his mouth. He got thrown back into the wall and nearly crushed it. "Jotaro!" You yelled while running to him "you damn idiot! I could have protected myself" you told him while your stand forced him to eat those herbs.
"What do you think? Emerald splash. What looked to be the fluids of my stand was actually a vision of destructive energy!" Kakyoin walked towards the both of you. Your stand was quick to react and it used itself as defense while you helped Jotaro up.

"It torn through your chest, therefore, your insides has been torn to shreds! And that nurse, you both attacked me and my stand causing her to hurt too!" Kakyoins smiled and you scoffed. "You damn-" you let Jotaro lean against the wall while you balled your fists. "Your scrawny look of a stand is getting annoying, how about my stand slice it in half and we'll call it a day?" You asked as your stand got into fighting position.
"Emerald splash!" Yelled Kakyoins but your stand sliced the emeralds in half. "I-Impossible! No one can deflect my stand!" Kakyoin yelled as he backed up.

You smiled "my stands sword can nearly slice anything!" You yelled before running up to Kakyoin, you jumped and landed a kick ok his cheek, making him fall down. But before you could land his stand wrapped itself around you, tightening and crushing you. Kakyoin quietly chuckled "I must say (Y/n)...you really are a wild card..you would look wonderful working beside Dio" he spoke while standing up "I would rather-" you winced as it tightened around you, causing you to stop mid sentence.

"Look at that poor nurse, this is both of your faults, this is your responsibility!" Kakyoin pointed to the both of you before looking over to Jotaro who was now standing normally, the herbs must have slowly healed him.
"I, Jotaro Kujo, am a labeled punk. I tend to overdo it with my opponents in fights, so much that they are still in the hospital. There was one idiot teacher who was all talk so I taught him a lesson, he hasn't come back to school" Jotaro continued.
You rolled his eyes, this was not the time for his speech while you were being crushed.
"I sometimes even leave without paying the bill to lousy restaurants. Even I know evil when I see it" He spoke with anger in his voice.

"But evil is always the loser, while justice refers to the victor the last man standing!" Kakyoin said as his stand let go of you, you fell to the ground with a hard thud and you gasped loudly for air.
Multiple tentacles shot out at Jotaro and Jotaro jumped around the room to dodge them, he made sure to not get close to you just in case a tentacle went rouge and attacked you.
Jotaro kicked a chair at Kakyoin but Kakyoin broke it with his stand, the tentacles finally caught Jotaro and it wrapped him up. You slowly felt the tentacles wrap around you and lift you off the ground again, your breathing was slow and haggard"I think I'll be keeping (Y/n), Dio would certainly love her potential" Kakyoin spoke, his words caused Jotaro's face to become more serious. "You wouldn't dare" Jotaro spoke as he growled under his breath.

Kakyoin stifled a laugh "and you seem to be the loser, goodbye JoJo" Kakyoin held out his hand and he sent another wave of Emerald splash at Jotaro. Jotaro smiles and his stand used it's wrists to defect emerald splash. "N-Not again!!" Kakyoin yelled as he backed up. Jotaro's stand grabbed Hierophant Green and started to punch it in the head, yelling loud Ora's before punching it into the air.
The final blow knocked out Kakyoin which led his stand to release you, Jotaro quickly caught you "good grief (Y/n) you need to work on your defense" he muttered.

You slowly smiled up to him "but I distracted him" you pointed out before Jotaro slugged you over his shoulder. He picked up Kakyoin as well "let's just get him to the old man, maybe he will tell us more about Dio" Jotaro said and you nodded.
"And...thanks for healing and protecting me" he muttered quietly while covering his face with his hat.
You opened your mouth to reply but you heard faint screams of the other students, Jotaro seemed to hear them as well and he jumped out the window towards his home.

|| An unexpected Journey || (Jotaro Kujo x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora