|| Chapter 3 ||

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"She has a stand!!"
You sat in the back of the car with a bored look on your face, after the whole ordeal of Joseph panicking and Avdol explaining to you what stands are you went with them to see Jotaro in jail.
You held a card in your hand, one that claimed to be your stand.

The name came from the moon card that Avdol showed you

You stepped out of the car and you looked up the stairs of the jail "so he's here?" You asked and Joesph walked past you "yeah that's what Holly said" he said as everyone walked inside the building, everyone got led down to the jail cells and you see Jotaro in the corner, how the hell did he get all of this stuff? You questioned before walking up to the cell, Jotaro turned his head to you and he gave you a ghost of a smile.
"I'll be taking my grandson home now" he said which caused Jotaro to frown "grandson? Get lost, I'm not getting out of this cell no matter what old man" Jotaro grumbled. Joseph walked up the the bars "I'm not old!" He claimed before glaring at Jotaro "you come out now so we can discuss this like civilized people" he said before Jotaro held up his metal pinkey. "Wha?! How did you do that I didn't even notice it" he said while looking at his prosthetic hand.

"I have an evil spirit that I can't control, beating those guys was hard enough" Jotaro crossed his arms. You walked up to the cell and you placed your hands on the bars "what kind of evil spirit" you asked, a purple arm appeared from Jotaro and it reached out for you, he didn't seem to notice it.
Your eyes widened but you remained calm, the arm brushed it's hands through your hair and you smiled, this spirit couldn't have been evil.
"Hey! Get the hell away from her" he yelled at the arm and it immediately disappeared. "See? I'm possessed and I'm not leaving" Jotaro said whit a sigh. Joseph snapped his fingers "Avdol, you're up" he said before backing away to give Avdol some room.

"Just do whatever it takes to get him out of there" Joseph grunted which earned a small 'but papa!' from Holly, Joseph only smiled and he made Holly stand behind him, just what exactly is going to happen? Suddenly a stand came out from Avdol, a beautiful bird that had fire for pants. Everyone in the room, except for the police, backed away from the stand.
"Avdol has the same thing as you! A special ability made from your life force and fighting spirit, something that stands beside you and aids you in battle! We call it, a stand!" Joseph yelled with anticipation.

You stood back from the burning stand, sweat dripped down your cheek and you looked at the temperature in the room, seeing the thermometer raise. You looked back to see Jotaro tied up in the ropes of fire and pinning him to the wall, unable to move.
"Er- Avdol are you sure this is safe?" You asked before he chuckled "dont worry (Y/n) I don't want to hurt him too much" he boasted which only earned a sigh from you. "This is my stand, magicians red!" Avdol yelled before pulling Jotaro to the bars.
Suddenly a purple figure came out from behind Jotaro, you recognized the purple arm and you slowly smiled, so this is what Jotaro's stand looked like? The beautiful purple color alongside the long black hair that flowed even though there was no wind in the room. "His stand is clear! Look at how powerful it is!" Joseph yelled and he backed away from the heat.

Jotaro's stand grabbed magicians red by the neck, causing Avdol to choke as well "I can't believe he can manifest it this clearly!" He said with his finger raised. "Mr. Joestar, you asked me to get your grandson out of the cell, I was planning on holding back but seeing as his stand is strong enough should I stop? I may send him to the hospital" He looked over to Joesph.
"That's fine, just do whatever you can" Joesph crossed his arms.
"Yes sir!" Avdol yelled before the ropes of fire wrapped around Jotaro again, causing his stand to weaken and slowly disappear. Jotaro kicked the table back and he broke the toilet, you help in surprise when water spewed over the cell and onto Magicians red, causing it to weaken. You backed away from the cell so that you don't get dirty water onto you. Jotaro's stand broke open the cell doors and used the bars as a spear, surprisingly Avdol walked away and he sat against the wall.

"Hey! Turn and face me!" Jotaro yelled, he clenched his fists and he walked out of the cell more. "As you can see, I've gotten him out of his cell" Avdol closed his eyes.
"So you let me win?" Jotaro asked, he glanced over to you before turning back to Avdol. "No, I really planned to send you to the hospital but your stand really surprised me"
Jotaro threw the metal bar aside and he sighed "good grief, so you really will tell me about this evil spirit?"
Everyone decided to settle down at a calm coffee shop near the Kujo residence, you sat in between Jotaro and Avdol, a cup of tea in hand.
"Oh thank goodness! Jotaro finally came out of his cell" Holly said with a smile on her face while she held Jotaro's arm, you sadly smiled at the two, oh how you wished to have a mother like Holly.
"You're so annoying you bitch" Jotaro grumbled, you hit the back of his head as you and Joesph glared at the teen.
"Hey! How dare you call your mother a bitch, huh?!" Joesph yelled as he pointed to Jotaro. You nodded "Leave the kind woman alone" you frowned.

"And Holly! Stop smiling after he just called you that!" You and Joesph yelled together, she only smiled and said okay. You rubbed your temples "you Joestar's are so weird"
Jotaro held up his finger "so gramps, why did you know about my evil spirit- no, my stand?" Jotaro asked, Joseph let out a groan "I came all the way from New York to explain that, but in order to explain it I need to explain the joestar lineage" Joseph leaned forward in his chair while bringing out multiple photos. "These are photos of a hundred year old coffin that was pulled up from the Atlantic ocean four years ago. After I obtained and researched it, i found out it was on the boat my grandfather was on."
This peaked your interest and you scooted closer to the table, eager to hear what's next.

"Me and Avdol been hunting him ever since" Joseph tapped Avdols shoulder.
"Wait him? You're making it sound like a person was inside the coffin" You spoke up and everyone looked at you "there's no way a hundred year old person has been sitting inside that coffin with no food or water" you explained.
"He is the evil incarnate! His name is Dio!" Joseph slammed his hand on the table before standing up "he has woken up from his hundred year slumber and we are dated to fight him! Well except Holly of course" Joseph smiled to his daughter, this earned a sigh from Jotaro and he turned away from everyone.

"You sound like you're going crazy gramps, Avdol was it? I don't know who you are but you seem so full of yourself" Jotaro pointed to the two. You raised a brow "what the hell Jotaro? What if they are telling the truth? I mean suddenly you have an evil spirit only certain people can see?" You asked and Jotaro quickly turned to you "I thought stands can only be seen by stand users" he said while squinting his eyes at you, you chuckled nervously before drinking your tea.
"I'll show you proof!" Joesph brought out a 30,000 yen camera "I too have obtained a stand!" He raised his hand while it glowed and sparked yellow, he slammed his hand onto the camera causing it to crush, but before it was crushed it released a photo. A distressed waiter came by "sir, is something wrong?" He asked and Avdol waved his hand "this isn't your business"

"The vision that will appear in this photo will determine your fate Jotaro! Jotaro, Holly, have either of you looked at your backs? You've probably never taken a close look but right around the base of our necks is a star shaped birth mark" he revealed his birth mark.
"The Joestar bloodline all have this birthmark,It is our destiny yet undiscovered!"
"Hey, give me that photo old man" Jotaro reached for the photo and he yanked it out of Joseph's hands, in the photo it revealed a strong figure posing in the dark with the same birthmark.

"This bastard has taken the body of my grandfather! Dio!" Joesph yells which causes a stir in the cafe. Your cheeks turn a light pink from the unwanted attention "let's hurry up and leave before we get kicked out ourselves" you quickly said while gathering your things.
"Fine, let's discuss this back at my home" Jotaro looked down at you before pushing your chair in.
"Hm...it feels as if someone was watching me" the figure in the dark looked around the room.
"This body calls for it's brethren, I can feel it...I must exterminate them" laughing erupts from the man "good thing I've already made my move"

(Happy New years everyone!)

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