Chapter 10-Dessert

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"What do you need to know?"
He was again immensely proud of her and beyond thrilled that she's chosen him to share a part of her that was obviously painful and private.

"First, I need you to understand there is no judgment here...ok. Just me trying to understand and know you better."

"Mmm" she nodded.

"Why the random men and why aren't they allowed to touch you?"

She shifted on him a tad bit uncomfortable, surprised that the questions went so hard so fast. But her movement only made the straining in his pants more painful.

"Because as the times flew by, BOB didn't cut it anymore"


"Battery Operated Boyfriend."

"Oh... Go on"

"And because that's how I felt I could be in control somehow."

"Is it because at some point you felt that was taken from you?"

She tried to get up from his lap, but two steady pair of hands around her waist held her down and in place.

"Don't run away Ms. Natalia... take your time but answer the question."

She sighed and lay her head in the crook of his neck breathing him in. He gently stroke her head waiting for her to compose herself and get the strength she needed to continue.

Not moving an inch from where she was, she started speaking softly with her breath caressing his neck. She was driving him mad, and didn't even know it.

"I'm an orphan... Well at least I think I am.
Mom abandoned me as an infant and from then on there was a never ending stream of foster homes. Some were OK, some were bad and others were pure nightmares."

As the words started flowing out of her mouth, it became easier to keep going so she sat straight and continued her monologue, but with Henri's hands still firmly placed around her. At this point more for his benefits than hers.

He NEEDED to keep some kind of skin contact with her to control the anger bubbling up inside of him.

The stories just kept on spilling out. The countless trips to hospitals over the years because of mysterious bruises, broken bones blamed by "accidents" and  "falls", which made him see red.

And then she got to her last foster home part of the story.

She paused.

He waits patiently stroking her back drawing lazy circles.

Out of all the shit she went through in the other homes, it didn't hurt as much as the last one.

Because for once, she had hoped to have finally found a suitable safe place to stay be until she aged out, and it was all due because of who he was.

He was a detective, a pillar in his community with two kids around her age and a beautiful wife. Picture perfect family.

She silenced her inner voice, and decided to trust them for once. Because of that, his betrayal ran deeper.

After narrating what happened to her in that house and how she escaped, she felt liberated. She has been carrying all of this on her chest for years, never once told a soul. It was impossible to understand why she felt comfortable enough to divulge all of this to a man she barely knew.

It's one thing to agree to sleep with him, but she never planned to get friendly and opened herself up to him by baring her soul.

She couldn't afford to fall for him. After her time here is done, she will be going back to her condo and what...?

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