5. Matchmakers (Preeth & Jin)

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As RM and Rishi were waiting at the entrance, Rishi is a bit nervous and RM is desperately trying to have a chat with her when suddenly they saw the familiar pink figure walking towards them. She stood in front of them and said,

Pep : Did you guys wait for long? Sorry I just got occupied by something.

RM : No not at all. *I would be even more glad if you were still a bit late*

Pep : I can't be more late than this though, if I did she doubts me.

RM : Coughs. *Can she read minds or something, how did she know what I'm thinking. *

Pep : Nope, I can't read minds it's just everything is on your face. By the way sorry for late Introduction, my name is Preeth you can me Pep though like everyone else. I'm Rishi's friend more like her Unnie.

RM : Nice meeting you Ms. Preeth or Pep. The way you look tells me that even you are from India, right.

Pep : Yes, I'm. It seems you two got to know each other in just a single flight.

RM : Just so so.

Pep : Maybe you should change the way you address me into Noona.

Both Rishi and RM blushes very hard that from the top of there ears to neck had turned to dark shade of red. Pep really like the way RM behaved both on and off the camera and she could tell that he likes Rishi a lot though this is the first time they met.

She knew that they are going to meet a lot after the given award ceremony cause there are going to form a collaboration between both the company's. 'So why not ship this pair and let it sail. Wow! I'm already excited about this. If I'm not wrong based on Rishi's personality she will never take the initiative.

Now I need to find someone who is close RM and can give the update about their whereabouts. Where can I find them.' As Pep thinking to herself watching the awkward pair Jin starts to approach them from a distance without taking off his eyes from Pep.

Jin : *Beautiful, just beautiful. I can't even describe what I'm feeling right now. Pink looks really good on her.

As Pep was thinking whom to find she felt someone was staring at her

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As Pep was thinking whom to find she felt someone was staring at her. She lifts her head only to find Jin the Elder one of the BTS group. Being in there own world both the kids failed to notice his presence. Suddenly realising something she slowly slips from the cute couple and rushes towards Jin.

 Suddenly realising something she slowly slips from the cute couple and rushes towards Jin

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