2. Becoming Friends (RM)

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Rishi's mind:

"Shit! Why is my bias right next to me and why does he keep staring at me? Be calm Rishi, be calm.

Rishi: Excuse me, is there anything on my face?


As I was staring at her, all of a sudden she looked at me, then for the first time I saw her eyes. Her iris are as black as ink and maybe due to reflection of her hair colour there is a tint of red in them and seeing my reflection in them feels like I'm the only one in her eyes and life. God! I want the time to get frozen at this very moment.

Then I heard her saying "Excuse me, is there anything on my face". Ahh! Give me a break, I'm still mesmerised by your eyes but now you are attacking me with your voice.

Wait a minute, is that question for me? Did she just spoke to me? I have to answer her, I shouldn't keep her waiting for long. What's the question again, ah!

RM : No.

"Idoit! Idoit! What kind of dumb answer is that. You are a freaking leader of a group and gave a lot speeches in front of many members but now why can't you even say a single sentence.

What will she think about me now, like I'm some kind of rude and cold person since I gave her just a single word as a reply. Maybe I should say some more but I can't even utter a sentence, though there are millions of thoughts that are going in my mind. Is this the end of ours conversation. I don't want it to end like this what should I do now.

Rishi's thoughts :

Did my bias just replied to me. Oh my heart! Calm down you stupid, don't over react and do something which makes him to think that you are mentally ill. Since we have already started let's continue our conversation.

Rishi : If not then why do you keep staring at me?

RM : That thing is..... "Damn, this is so embarrassing. Why did you get caught staring at her RM, why? What should I tell her now? Like, I'm sorry you just stole my heart at the airport entrance and now seeing you by my side made my heart go boom boom so subconsciously started staring at you. Then definitely she would think that I'm a flirt or a pervert. Stupid brain say something, she is waiting "..... you got a pair of beautiful eyes.

Rishi : Does that mean only my eyes are beautiful but not my face?

RM : That's not what I mean, you are covering your face with a mask so I can't see what's hidden behind that and the only access is your eyes so I'm talking about them.

Rishi : Does that mean you are going to judge a person based on his/her appearance. I never thought that you are this superficial.

RM : What! N-o I-I didn't mean that, what I actually wanna say is....

Suddenly Rishi starts to giggle and soon bursted out laughing. RM became froze once again not because he realised that she is teasing him but because of the way she is laughing.

RM : Are you teasing me?

Rishi : I'm sorry, really really sorry. I didn't mean to do that. You were really nervous and stiff, so I thought of saying something but the way you reacted is soo cute that I couldn't control myself.

RM : (Still mesmerised by her smile he couldn't process what she told)

Rishi : (She removes her mask and extends her with a smile on her face) Hi, myself Ruchitha from India.

RM : Ah! Oh! H-hello, I'm RM, I mean Kim Namjoon, leader of a boy band called BTS.

Rishi : I know, I mean who doesn't know the awesome leader or more like a father figure for of the world famous BTS group.

RM : Oh! So you are an Indian. Wow, didn't expect that I would meet someone from one of my favourite country. Then if its not over the limit may I know why are going for Los Angeles.

Rishi : Nothing much. Just a surprise plan made by us for someone.

RM : Us? You mean you are not alone in this journey, you have a company.

(Is she not alone? Who could it be a friend or a boyfriend? Is she already in a relationship? Am I too late, my love buds didn't we get a chance to bloom)

Rishi : Yeah! We are total of 13 members including me, there are 9 girls and 4 boys. Because of some mistake by the management I got separated from them.

RM : Very fortunate mistake. (Shit!) I-I mean because of there mistake you sat beside me and we get to know each other.

Rishi : Yep! You are right because of there mistake I got a very good company. So Mr. Kim Namjoon or Mr. RM do mind being my chat buddy for this long journey,plzzzzz.

RM : (Cute, cute, sooooo cute. Nope, my heart can't handle this anymore. Ahhh! Pleaseeee, my group will become fatherless if you do this anymore) Of course, I will be my pleasure, Ms. Ruchika.

Rishi : Now that we have become friends, you can call me Rishi, just Rishi okay.

RM : Okay, Rishi. Then you can also call me as you wish.

Rishi : How about Poraneshiya Paparino.

RM: Aaahh, that's a bit........

Rishi : Hehee, I'm just kidding. How does Koya sounds.

RM : Koya? It sounds good,fine by me. (She gave me a nickname, didn't she? Wow! If it goes smoothly like this then I'm sure I can make our wedding bells ring)

Rishi : So, Koya. Where are your other group members?

RM : Oh! They all are at the front seats. (Shows seats of other 6 members from back side and who are sitting at which one)

Hearing the exited voice of RM Cath lifts her head from her laptop only to see RM back and side profile but she can tell that someone is beside him and by the voice it is definitely a girl. To fullfil her curiosity thirst she pokes RM and says,

Rishi : Mind introducing me?

RM : Cath, Oh! Sorry,let me introduce you. Rishi, this Catherine our manager but more like a little sister of our group and Cath this is Ruchika from India.

Rishi : Hi, Catherine. I'm Ruchika from India, you can call me Rishi.

Cath : I never knew that you have Indian friends.

RM : Yes, I never had any but it's before, now I got one whom I made just a few minutes ago.

RM : *Whispering * Hey Cath, how is future sister in law? Pretty nice right.

Cath : *What? Don't tell me she is the one who stole your heart at the airport but how did she end up by your side *

RM : *I don't know? Maybe it's fate.*

Cath : Sorry, hello nice meeting you Rishi, you can also call me Cath no need for any formalities.

Rishi : Okay Cath, it's a pleasure to be acquainted with you.

Cath : Whispering *I never knew that your taste in girls is of this high quality. Damn! she is soooo good looking. I don't know what you are going to do Oppa, Either you make her to fall for you or beg her or whatever, do anything but make her your's. I only want her as my Unnie, nobody else and I already fixed it and you have my full support for it.*

RM : But I don't know whether she is single or not or she have someone she likes.

Cath : "Rolls eyes" (I never knew my Oppa becomes this timid when it comes to courting girls. His is where little sisters comes to rescue.) So Rishi why are you alone here what about your boyfriend?

RM :Cathhhhh!

Rishi : Firstly I'm not alone and secondly I don't have a boyfriend whether it maybe in past or present I never had one.

RM : Reallyyyyyyy! (Shit! I'm over excited) I mean why didn't you have any, like are waiting for someone or like why? Your so beautiful that you should have a lot of people hitting at you?

Rishi : Thatttttt.....

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