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Double update. Chapter 12 was already published...

Third Person's POV

Lisa's mom open the door slowly as soon as Jennie left.

"Priya.." She called.

"Mom." Lisa answered and look up.

"You fine? Let me check your wounds."

She walks near Lisa and Lisa just took a sit and face her mom.

"I'm sorry.. It's just, I'm so desperate to pay her and.. And I forgot what you've said to me.. I'm really sorry, mom." Lisa said.

"I've heard what you've said to her. Lisa, we know that we're not given a life like they have. But what you've said to her is way too much. You know what. She's so happy when you tasted and I tasted what she cooked. When she came back here with that tupperware she asked how was her cooking and she's very happy when someone loves what she cooked, cause her parents didn't give a damn about what she made, Priya." Her mom lectured.

"I didn't know.."

"Of course you didn't know, Priya. Cause you are too focus on what she made wrong to you. Not on how she's kind to you. To make it up on what she made. You know, I won't scold you for fighting cause she already explained the reason. But please, can you stop going there. I already warned you." Her mom said.

"Ugh! Be careful." Lisa complained when her mom push way too hard on her face.

"Did you seriously get this on fighting? Why is it too much than your previous fight."

"This cut on my face was given to me to save Jennie. Someone's chasing her because of me. Other than that it came from my fighting." Lisa explains.

"Following you? Who are they?" Her mom seriously asked and look at Lisa.

"I don't know. They probably one of those guys who I defeated." She said and slowly getting laid.

"I'm warning you again, Priya. Don't.. Don't you every go back there!" She said with too much diction for Lisa to remember.

"Yeah.." Lisa tiredly said. "I'm really sorry again, mom. Promise, I'll try my best to make it up with, Jennie. I'm wrong saying those shitty things I don't know."

Lisa's POV

Morning came and I sleep too long. Luckily I don't have class today and just rest. I was eating my breakfast when there's someone who's knocking on our door.

"Hey!" They both greeted.

"Oh, Jisoo and Chaeyoung. Come in." I greeted back.

"We heard from Jennie that you got sick and got lot of bruises. She already told us what really happened. Why you didn't just asked for our help." Chaeyoung said.

I scratch my nape. "I wanted to pay Jennie with my own sweat--"

"And blood." Jisoo interrupted.

I chuckled. "Yeah.. And I'm too shy to asked you guys about money. I didn't make friends to asks for money." I explains. "What are you guys doing here again?" I question.

"Actually, we just wanted to visit you and tell you that we're going to finish our thesis. And we decided to do it on Jennie's house. Her dad is kinda strict now since she just got home yesterday night." Jisoo said.

"Night? She left immediately yesterday." I asked while furrowing my brows.

"She's drunk. The reason why her father is so mad." Chaeyoung answered.

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