Chapter 29- Pool

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I walk through Lucia's front door and a man holds out his hand.

'Yes?' I ask.

Today I'm really not in the mood to converse with random strangers.

'Your invite please.' He says

I sigh and pass it to him. He glances at it for two seconds and then looks back up at me.

'No plus one then?'

'Does it look like I have a plus one.' I retort.

To my annoyance he actually looks around to find someone. I feel like people are really going out of their way to piss me off lately.

Why does Lucia have a person guarding her door anyway. It's not like she's got the crown jewels stashed away in her master bedroom.

'Move.' I say as I brush him out of my way and walk down the hallway into a room of well dressed people.

'Alexis!' A lady shouts from behind me.

I turn around to see Lucia waving me over. Something is eternally wrong if Lucia is happy.

I walk over to her.

'Alexis, I'm so glad you're here. I want you to meet my wife, Scarlet.' Lucia gives me a smile and turns towards a lady who looks the complete opposite to Lucia.

She has platinum blonde hair, a round face and soft blue eyes.

She gives me a great big grin before engulfing me in a hug. She steps back. 'Ooh, so you're Alexis. I've heard so much about you. Lucia says that you're her best protégé and-'

'Scar, shush.' Lucia whispers from the other side of me.

Scarlett's hands fly to her mouth as she begins to laugh. 'I didn't know it was a secret.' She whispers to me, before Lucia takes her hand and leads her off into the crowd.

I never in my life thought I would see Lucia smile. Scary.

I sigh and make my rounds of the room. Hugging and shaking the hands of people I know and avoiding the people I don't.

I stop near a tray of drinks and pick one up. As I go to take a sip, I catch Sebastian's eye from across the room.

He gives me a small smile. I look away.

I watch him walk across the room from the corner of my eyes.

'Alexis.' He says as he positions himself in front of me.

'Hey.' I say.

Why can't people just leave me alone?

I take in his appearance. The top four buttons on his shirt are undone and his hair looks a mess. If I didn't know any different I would think he was sleeping around.

'Are you okay?' I ask

He looks at me for a second, slightly shocked. To be honest, I don't think I've ever actually asked him if he's okay, so maybe I'm the tiniest bit shocked too.

'Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just having a really shitty day, that's all.'

I wrinkle my nose slightly, I can smell the alcohol on his breath. 'Is that why you've been drinking?'

He shrugs. 'I don't know... but um Alexis, I need to talk to you.'

I sigh. 'Okay but, you have to let me fix things with Theo first.'

'Right, Theodore.'

'Don't be like that Sebastian.'

'Like what?' He says as he grabs another drink from a passing waiter.

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