Chapter 18- The Brother

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The question of how crossed my mind more than once. I mean Sebastian is in the media too much for people not to notice he's in a mafia. He runs an international business. Surely someone would figure it out.

It's been a week of me waking up, going to work and then going to sleep thinking about Sebastian. That and the odd occurrence of Alice phoning me to conveniently remind me of my situation with Theo.

But now I'm lying in my bed, wide awake at 7 AM listening to someone knock on my door. They've done it twice already and I'm not prepared to answer it. They knock again.

I'm thinking about the possibility that Alice travelled three hours from uni to come and annoy me but the chances are slim. She's supposed to come back on the weekend anyway. Although the chances are slim, they're not zero.

Either way, I don't feel like opening that door, so whoever's outside can stay there.

They knock again.

'Alexis, It's me.'

The voice is muffled, but I can hear it well enough to know who it is. I sit up straight.


I roll my eyes, pull off the sheets and pad to the door.

I pull it open. 'Axcel?'

He raises his hands up, palms facing me. 'Don't punch me again. I came to talk.'

He's got a playful smirk on his face but I can tell he's here for something important.

'Talk about what?'

'Can I come in first?'

I hold the door open wider and he walks through. He doesn't move much past the shoe rack by the entrance.

'Go on.' I say. I'm eager to get this conversation over so I can go back to bed.

'I need you to go and see Sebastian.'

I almost laugh. 'Did Sebastian send you here to ask me to go see him?'

'No,' he shakes his head before smiling and pushing his hands in his pockets. 'He wouldn't do that. He has too much pride.'

I lean back against the door and cross my arms across my chest. 'Axcel, why are you here?'

'I just said, I need you to see Sebastian-'

'Why do I need to see Sebastian. What's so important about me going?'

'He's obsessed with you Alexis, I think he's said'

I roll my eyes.

'You're the first girl that he's actually wanted to see more than once.'

I push myself off the door. 'I don't know why that's important to me, Axcel?'

'Because it's ruining him,' He gestures to something invisible. 'You not talking to him.'

He sighs. 'At least just go and tell him that you don't want to talk to him anymore.' He lets out a tight laugh. 'It will stop him from moping around all the time.'

The thing is, I don't exactly not want to talk to Sebastian. I want to see him, so bad. But, he doesn't need to know that.

Plus, I'm still trying to figure out whether it was a good idea to not tell anyone what I saw.

It's almost like Axcel can read minds because then he says. 'And thank you.' He nods at me. 'For not telling anyone what you saw.'

I shrug. 'It's okay.'

He rocks on his heels, clears his throat, then says. 'Will you go see him?'

'Axcel,' He's staring at me like I'm announcing the winner of the lottery. And I can tell just how much he cares about his brother's wellbeing. 'Fine, I'll go see him.'

A smile spreads on his face and he lets out a sigh. I feel like there are a few other reasons why he's here but I'm not going to press him on it.

'Axcel, I don't understand how Sebastian runs a mafia. It makes no sense to me.'

He thinks about his answer for a bit before shrugging and saying. 'Ask him that. I can't be bothered to come up with an answer right now.'

He grins. I laugh.

'Are you part of it?'

He pulls up his shirt sleeve, revealing his tattoos. He taps a set of symbols at the top of his forearm. I've seen them on Sebastian's arm. In the same place.

He nods. 'Yeah.'

His phone pings before I can ask another question, but he doesn't reach to look at it. He gives me a smile. 'I should go.'

I nod and open the door.

I suppose fate has played a big hand in crossing mine and Sebastian's pathways once more.

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