Chapter 19- Explain

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I pretty much walked right through Sebastian's office. His receptionist let me through without a glance and his assistant hasn't even looked up.

I clear my throat.

'You can go right through.' She says with a wave of her hand.

'Thank you.' I say.

She doesn't look up.

I move towards his office but I stop to ask her a question.

When I turn around I see her reaching up to a shelf. Her sleeve rides up her arms revealing the same set of symbols that Axcel and Sebastian have on their arms. I raise my eyebrows and spin back around. I suppose everyone in this building are in the same club.

I push open his office door but he doesn't seem to notice.


His head snaps up at the sound of my voice. 'Hey.' He says in return.

He puts his hands on the armrests at the side of his chair. He looks like he wants to get up but he doesn't move.

'Didn't think I'd see you again.' He says

I smile. 'You can't get rid of me that easily,' I walk towards his desk. 'Can I sit?'

I gesture towards the chairs in front of his desk.

He nods. 'Yeah.' His hands release the armrests.

I open my mouth to say something but then think better of it. I think it's probably better if he starts this conversation.

'Are you okay?' He asks me.

Okay, maybe the conversation is going to go slower than I want, so I'll start it.

I wave his question away. 'Sebastian, I think I have two questions.'

He leans back in his chair. 'Okay.'

'First, are you going to tell me where you got that thing?' I point to his arm, where he got hurt.

He glances down to where my finger is pointing. 'No.'

'Why not.'

He shrugs. 'Because, you don't need to know.' He gets up and walks towards the table that holds his decanter. 'Plus, I don't want you to know.'

He pours himself a drink. I get up and join him, so he hands me a glass and pours me a drink.

'What's your other question?'

He steps forward.

'Tell me how you run it without getting caught.'

He breaks eye contact, takes a swig of his drink and walks towards the window overlooking the city.

'I suppose you could call it ghost running. I mean Axcel does most of it. But everything goes through me first.'

I move to join him at the window. He doesn't look at me.

'You know, I built this all because I wanted to. The tech and everything. It's all legit.' He glances at me before continuing. 'But my father,' He pause, taking another sip of his drink. 'He thought it was a great way to further the family business. So he took his problems, and dumped them all on me. He washed his money through my business and transported all his illicit shit through it too.' Then he turns around and leans against the glass, looks me in the eyes and shrugs. 'Then he died...and I kept doing it, because no one is smart enough to stop me.'

I keep his gaze. 'What would you have done if I didn't come back.'

A small smile spreads on his face and his eyes narrow. 'You said two questions.'

'I said I thought I had two questions.'

He smirks, pushes himself off the window and grabs my waist with his free hand, pulling me in. 'I think you conveniently forget that I own you. You can't not come back Alexis.'

Then he lets go of me, walks back to his desk and places his glass down on top of it. I roll my eyes and down my drink. I place it back on the tray with the other glasses.

'I want to show you something. Come out with me tomorrow.'

I turn to look at him. I swear everytime he asks me something that's supposed to be a question it comes out like a statement. But then again, he probably would prefer if I just did everything he told me to do.

'I can't. I'm busy.'

He raises his eyebrows. 'Wasn't a question Alexis.'

'Yeah, I know. But I can't go.'

He walks towards me and only stops when his face is inches from mine. 'Where are you going?'

I feel my heart beat pick up. 'Out.'

'With Theodore?'

I don't say anything because I know he already knows the answer.

I watch as his jaw tenses and he glares at me. It only lasts for a split second because he blinks at me twice and then looks away.

When he turns back, he has a smirk plastered on his face. He steps back. 'Go out with your boyfriend. Enjoy it.'

He digs his hands in his pockets and turns back to his desk.

'Sebastian-' I don't really know what I want to say. But he interrupts me anyway.

'Goodbye Alexis.'

My glare could burn holes in the back of his head. I cross my arms over my chest, let out a loud huff. I personally think I should dismiss him from this conversation, like who died and made him king. But at least he's not interrogating me about my date tomorrow, so I'll take it.

'Goodbye Sebastian.' 

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