Chapter 23- The Parents

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My parents are coming to stay. For my birthday.

My mother sent me a text yesterday, obviously written by my father (who has probably figured out by now that I can't get his messages since I blocked him).

All her message said was... Alexis, your father and I are coming to stay for your 26th birthday. We have a few things to discuss, for example your evident failure to do anything useful and the fact you are still single. Make sure we have a place to sleep, we are already stooping low enough to sleep in a tiny shack, we shall not be sleeping on the floor.... Or a sofa bed.

Your Mother

I keep reading it and trying to figure out a polite way to say... no you may not fucking come and stay in my apartment. Plus, how dare he call my apartment a shack.

I tap my fingernails on my breakfast bar in a satisfying rhythm and throw down my phone.

If that wasn't the only way I could contact Lucia and Alice.... and Theo, then I would smash it to pieces. My parents suck. My father more than my mother. But I could accidentally spill a can of gasoline over both of them, set them on fire and not give two fucks.

My doorbell rings and I get up to open the door. When I do, all I see is a bouquet of flowers. Again.

I sigh and bend down to pick them up. These ones are bigger than the last ones, but they fit in the vase. I'm sure he already knew that though.

I take out the note that was pressed into the flowers and open it.

mio angleo,


Also, forgive me for breaking and entering.

Sebastian can fuck off and die for all I care. He is really starting to get on my last nerves, I'm really starting to run out of fingers to count the amount of things he's done to me lately.

My doorbell rings again.

Please don't be another vase.

When I open the door, two rather annoyingly familiar faces reveal themselves. My mother and father stand looking rather displeased in front of me.


'Why are you here?'

My mother pushes past me, into the apartment and my father follows her. A man stands there, with their bags in his arms. I slam the door.

My mother sighs. 'Let him in Lexi.'

'I don't want your servants in my apartment.'

My father scoffs. 'Apartment, there's no such thing.'

Right this moment, I wish a hole would open up underneath them and swallow them whole.

'Why are you here?' I repeat.

'Alexis, we said we were coming today. Your birthday is tomorrow.' My mother says calmly as she steps behind me, opens the door and ushers the man in.

I glare at him as he passes, but he doesn't meet my gaze.

'You literally sent me a message yesterday. Did you want to give me any warning?'

'Stop being dramatic, a day's warning is fine.' My father says.

He looks down at the seats behind the breakfast bar with an expression that could only be disgust, before sitting down. My mother follows. The two of them follow each other around like moths to a flame.

'Where are we sleeping Alexis?'

'Not in my house.' I snap back.

He glares at me and my mother sighs.

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