Chapter 10- Flowers

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'Alexis,' I spin around. Lucia stands at the end of the room looking furious. I'd done everything she asked. Submitted the article, got Sebastian to sign for the cover and handed in the booklet. So why is she so mad?

'Yes is-'

'My office.' She interrupts me, before turning on her heels and walking back towards her office. I swear at this point, that room is like the gateway to hell.

I run after her and slip through the door before taking a seat behind her desk. She sits there, just staring at me with her beady green eyes. 'Is there a problem?' I ask, breaking the silence.

She stands up. 'Mr Grey has informed me that you will be taking his picture for the cover.'

I clear my throat. He really works fast, it's only been a day.

'He's delivered me your license,' she slides a piece of paper over the desk. With all my details on. How did he even get a hold of all that? 'And has said that If you don't take the pictures then he's not doing it.'

I shake my head. 'I had absolutely no idea-'

'That's a lie. Because Mr Grey says that the two of you have had conversations about this.'

I gulp. Lucia only scheduled two meetings for us. One for the interview and one for him to sign, so me seeing him means I've been going against my contract. Seeing clients after scheduled hours equals bias. I have a feeling this is not going to end well for me. 'Lucia, I haven't done anything, it's just that when Mr Grey has decided upon something, it tends to happen.'

She blinks at me. 'And how would you know that? Are you friends?' She leans forward. Eyes narrowed.

'Lucia, if you preferred that I didn't do I would be more than glad to not to. I didn't want to do it in the first place.'

'Oh. No. Alexis. You are doing the photoshoot. I am not losing a client over your obvious issues. But next time. Stay in your lane otherwise, you're demoted.'

I nod. Hard. 'Okay.'

I move to get up and leave.

'Also, if anything goes wrong in the photoshoot, or I don't like the photos. You're fired.'

'From being a photographer?' I ask quietly

'No,' she looks at me like I'm an idiot. 'From your job.'

Then she dismissed me with her hand.

That man is wrecking my life.


I look down at my phone. Three messages for Theo. I smile. Two messages from an unknown number. I click on the notification.

Your welcome

It's Sebastian by the way ;)

I glare at my phone.

Sebastian, you are going to make me lose my job. Absolutely not winky face. Also, How did you get my number? AND MY PERSONAL INFORMATION.

Three bubbles form at the bottom.

You're not going to lose your job. Calm down.

Same way you got all of Theodore information. Plus incase you haven't noticed I'm rich.

Okay. Now I'm fuming.

Sebastian, you can't pay people for my personal info.

He doesn't reply straight away. The bubbles appear, disappear and appear again before he says.

Most certainly can

I switch off my phone. Put my head in my hands and groan. My phone buzzes. I'm tempted to ignore it. But I don't. I look at the notification and it says it's from Theo. I sigh.

Hey, I wanna see you again.

Are you free Thursday?

Or friday...


Thursday's fine. Friday's the photoshoot.

I can do Thursday

The bubbles appear.

I'll see you then. Meet me at the coffee shop?

Yeah... okay x

I switch off my phone again.

'Alexis.'I hear Lucia's voice scream my name again. I roll my eyes and spin around.

'Get lost. I'm sure you have some photo taking practice to do.'

To be honest I think she's being kind and telling me to go home because I have nothing to do here but everything that comes out of her mouth is always mean.

'Yeah. Of course. Thank you.' I nod at her and she stalks back into her office.


I haven't touched my camera in a long time. At this point, it might as well be an ornament. My last boyfriend (momentary fiance) bought it for me. It's funny how objects hold so many memories, I pick it up and take out the memory card. I'm seriously considering smashing it but I can't bring myself to do that. I drop it in my bedside table drawer.

I pick up a new card and slot it in. Maybe I'll take Lucia's advice and practise.

I only manage to snap a few shots before my doorbell rings. I open the door and see no one. I look down and see a huge bouquet of flowers and a note on top. I pick it up and look around.No one. Someone was paid a lot of money to ring my doorbell and run away with a trace obviously. And I have a feeling they were paid by Sebastian.

I place the flowers down on the counter and pick up the envelope.

Sorry for stealing all your personal information Lexi.

First off, I don't accept his apology. Second, he has not earned the right to call me Lexi. I throw the envelope down on the counter. I stare at the flowers. I don't know whether to keep them or throw them out. I don't even have a vase big enough to put them in.

The doorbell rings again. Looks like I'm in high demand today. I open the door.

'I have a delivery for you ma'am.'

'I didn't order anything.'

'Well,' he looks at his clipboard. 'It looks like you ordered a vase. A big one at that.'


'I can't take it back ma'am. It's non refundable.' He gives me a tight lipped smile and pushes the box towards me.

'Fine' I start reaching out my hands to sign.

He shakes his head 'You don't need to. It's already been accounted for.'

Then he walks away. I lug the box into my apartment. I put my hands on my hips. It looks like I have a vase now. A big one. For Sebastian's giant flowers.

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