Chapter 4- Rain

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I put down the coffee I've been nursing for the past hour. I have no idea how I'm going to play this off to Lucia. You can't fake an interview and I most certainly can't be caught out in a lie. I really have to get a grip on my issues. I probably have to start with being more polite to people I don't know.

'Ma'am are you ready for your bill.'

Shit I have been here for a while. My coffee cold, my laptops dying and to be perfectly honest I'm just wasting space.

'Yes, no,' I pause. I actually need a break. 'Yes, I am ready to pay.'

He brings me the card reader as I pack up my stuff. He smiles at me as I tap. These people like my money way too much.

'Enjoy your day ma'am' He nods at me on my way out.

I exit the building and almost immediately I feel the rain start to fall. Enjoy my day indeed. I sigh, I left my car at the office and I'm not waiting inside that cafe for a taxi. If the rain stays this light, I'll walk.


So, I walked. But the rain didn't stay light. At this point, there was no point of even having the umbrella up. I was drenched anyway. My hair was sticking to my face and I could literally feel the knots I would be getting out later. I swear, this is probably the karma that I deserve. I'm going to have to swallow my pride eventually.

I hear a car's horn and glance behind me. Pervs. People need to learn to mind their own businesses. I hear another one and a dark car rolls up beside me. The window closest to me winds down. And Sebastian Grey's face appears from behind. Stupid, annoying Sebastian Grey.

'Hey... you need a ride?' He asks

Do I need a ride? I take a breath. A deep one. 'No I'm okay.' I reply in a sickly sweet tone.

'Get in.' He says

'No, I don't need your charity, I'm fine.'

'You're soaking wet, you're going to get ill.'

'No.' I cross my arms across my chest.

'Get in.' He says with more finality this time.

'I'm not getting in a car with a man I don't even know.'

'Fine.' And with that he steps out of the car and walks over to me. He stretches out his hand for me to shake.

'Sebastian Grey. It's nice to meet you.'

I look down at his hand and then back up at him, then down at his hand and then back up at him. He's starting to get wet. This is ridiculous. I shake his hand 'I'm not telling you my name.' I say.

He smiles and opens the car door for me 'Will you get in now?'

'Fine.' I say. So I get in.

He closes my door, walks around the car and gets in the driver's seat. 'I already know your name Alexis.'

If looks could kill, my glare would've burned a hole through his head. I sit back in my seat with a huf. 'You should really learn to mind your own business.'

'You should really learn to say thank you once In a while.' He retorts

And in that moment I could've strangled him. He has way too much to say. Maybe he should learn to keep his mouth shut as well. I sniff. His car smells like pine cones and vanilla.

'Where do you live?' He asks as we near the end of the road.

'Why do you want to know where I live?'

'So I can put it in the satnav.' He gestures towards the console.

'I'm not giving you my address.'

He rolls his eyes, 'How am I supposed to take you home if you won't tell me where you live.'

He glances at me when he says it. His face isn't annoyed, or angry or any range of emotion in between. He's got a smirk on his face. At least one of us enjoys these conversations.

I tell him to take a right, and he does. He follows all the directions I give him until we pull up outside my apartment block.

He stops the car. 'Which one's yours.'

'Absolutely, none of your business. More to that, why do you ask so many questions?' I ask as I look outside. The rain has stopped now.

'I don't know,' He trails off before starting again. 'Maybe I just find you interesting,' He sits up, and turns towards me. 'You should be asking me the questions.'

'To be perfectly honest, I don't really want to know too much about you.'

'Yeah... I can tell.'

I look at him, and knit my eyebrows. Me not wanting to talk to him is completely different to me not wanting to know about him. I could be fangirling in my head right now for all he knows. I'm not, but still. 'How?' I ask

'I don't know,' he shrugs and turns to face the steering wheel. 'You didn't know who I was when you saw me the first time, or the second.'

'Was I supposed to know who you are? I mean to me you're not all that, I'd just love to interview you because everyone else thinks you're all that.'

He looks at me again.

'Plus, it would be good for my career, so.' I look down at my hands. I don't really know why I feel ashamed to say that. I'm sure he's used people to get to the place he is today.

'So why'd you walk out today, If you wanted it so bad.'

'I don't know, probably because you keep minding my business.'

He smiles 'Okay.'

'Is that it?'

'What do you want me to say, it's your job. I think, maybe you're too proud to accept that you need my help to keep it.'

I stare at him for a while. I am kind of shocked he said that. But he's right. Lucia will fire me if I don't come up with a good story. This is make or break, she's just testing to see if I'm worth her time.

He's expecting a reply, but I don't have one to give.

'Goodbye Mr Grey.'

And with that, I step out of the car and walk towards my apartment. I didn't hear his car start again until I was right outside the entrance, and then he was gone.

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