Chapter 11- Mine

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I'm standing outside Starbucks, staring through the window. Watching Theo and Sebastian together. Talking. Oh no.

'Hey.' I say as I open the door.

Theo looks up at me and smiles. 'Hey.'

Sebastian turns around and smirks. I narrow my eyes. I walk to stand next to him just as Alice walks out of the break room.

'Hey you,' She says. 'Nice to see you.'

'Yeah. It's nice to see you.' Sebastian says.

'Why are you here?' I ask him.

'I just came to tell you that the photoshoot got pushed forward.'

'To when?' I ask

'To now.' He says with a smile.

He gives me a knowing look, like he's got me all figured out.

'Me and Alexis have a date. So she can't go.' Theo says.

'Well... no one asked you.' Sebastian retorts

I sigh. 'Sebastian. You could've just called me. How did you know I was here anyway?'

He looks at Alice. Then back at me. 'Alice told me.'

I glare at Alice and she mouths sorry to me before going back to busying herself behind the counter. I know she's just hiding that mischievous smile of hers. Because I know for sure that she is very happy about all the drama she has just caused.

'Shall we go Lexi?' Sebastian asks.

I glare at him. Theo does the same.

'Alexis, are you ready to go?' Theo asks.

I look between the two of them. Whoever I pick. This will not end well. For me anyway. My phone buzzes in my pocket. I reach for it. Lucia. I pick up.

'Alexis get here now, the shoot was pushed forward,' She's shouting so loud, I could walk two metres from it and still hear her voice. 'And if you see Mr Grey. Bring him with you.' And she hangs up.

I'm going to lose my job if I don't pick Sebatian and he knows that.


He shakes his head and throws his hands down by his side. 'What's happening here Alexis?'

Sebastian steps next to me and slings his arm over my shoulder. 'You mean to say that you have no idea what's happening between me and Lexi.'

No. I push his arm off me and turn to face him. 'Sebastian. Let's go.'

He looks at me with that permanent smirk on his face.

'Now,' I say and I storm out.

I hear Sebastian come out behind me.

'Stop calling me Lexi.' I say as I go to open his car door.

'Yes, please make yourself at home in my car.' He says sarcastically

I turn and glare at him. He shrugs. 'I told you I wouldn't make it easy for you.'

I watch as he walks round the car and gets in the driver seat. I sit in the passenger seat.

'Did you like the flowers Lexi?' He asks

'Stop calling me Lexi.' I say. He smiles, starts the car and drives off.


'Where have you been.' Lucia screams at me.

I just blink at her. Right now I'm more entranced by my surroundings. Sebastian's house is like a freaking palace. I would give anything to live in a place like this.

Sebastian comes up behind me. 'Don't worry she was with me.' He says before grabbing my arm and leading me away from Lucia's burning glare.

He takes me into one of the rooms on the ground floor. 'Are you mad at me?' He asks

I turn and stare at him. 'Excuse me.'

'Are you mad?' He asks again, rubbing the back of his neck.

I scoff. 'Yes Sebastian. I'm mad. You paid someone to take all my personal information.'

'Actually, I paid someone to make you a licence and they paid someone else, using my money, to get your information.'

I glare at him. 'So other people have all my information.'

'No, Lexi I swear, I have the only copy. Plus it wasn't all of it.'

'Oh, so you're saying you don't have my birth certificate in your drive somewhere.'

He hesitates for a second. 'Yeah. I have your birth certificate. But it's just borrowed. I can return it.'

'You took it.'

'Borrowed it.'

'You took it.'

'Look, I'll give it back.' He says as he steps forward.

I step back. 'Sebastian, that's not the only reason I'm mad, okay.'

'Why then?'

'Because, you're causing problems with Theo where there doesn't need to be any.'

'I didn't cause anything.'

'Yes you did. You were about to spill to him that I slept with you,' I pause and sigh. 'You are constructively trying to ruin my relationship.'

His eyebrows raise. 'Relationship? What relationship?'

'That none of your business Sebastian.'

'Yeah? Are you his girlfriend?'

I don't say anything.

'You've known the guy for less than a month and you're already his girlfriend.'

'Why does that matter to you Sebastian? I'm not yours.'

He scoffs and shakes his head. 'I thought you were smarter than that.'

'Smarter than what?'

He steps forward and grabs my waist before I can move. He pulls me in so that we're inches apart. I take a sharp breath in. ' I have all your personal information. Your bank details, your social security number. I own you.' He whispers. His lips brush my ear as he speaks, sending shivers down my spine. 'Legally anyway.'

I feel his hands travel down my back. They stop on my upper thigh. 'I own you physically,' He stops. Pulls back and looks me in the eye. 'And soon, I will own all of you.' He leans back in and whispers. 'You're mine Alexis.'

Then he pulls away, looks at his phone and says 'I'll see you outside in a bit.'

Then he leaves. Like nothing just happened.

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