Chapter 24- Restaurant

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'Hi.' I say rather breathlessly.

I choose to walk up the stairs to Sebastian's office, only because I'm finished with confined spaces. My parents are literally smothering me in their presence. I need space.

'Hey.' Sebastian says looking up from the pile of paper he's standing over. 'Did you get the flowers.'

'Yes Sebastian. I got your flowers.'


'And... no to both. No rematch. No, I don't forgive you.'

He shrugs and looks back down. 'Your loss.'

I walk over to him, so we're standing either side of his desk.

'Why are you here then?' He asks

'You don't want to see me?' I reply. I place my hand down on the desk.

Sebastian holds my gaze before his eyes trail down to my wrist. 'Who gave you that?'

I look down to where his eyes are trained and back up to him.

'Did Theodore get you that bracelet?'

'No,' I cross my hands behind my back. 'My parents got it for me.'

He scoffs. 'How rich are your parents?'

'Old money rich.' I roll my eyes. 'I thought you would know.'

'I don't know everything Alexis. There are some things I would prefer to just find out.'

I raise my eyebrows. 'Like when my birthday is?'

He laughs. 'Well, I already know that.'

He walks further behind his desk, opens a draw and takes out a small black box. What's everyone's obsession with jewelry?

He slides it over to me. 'Happy birthday Alexis.'

'What is it?'

He smirks. 'Open it and find out.'

I roll my eyes and pick up the box. I pop it open and I see a necklace with a deformed piece of metal set in the middle.

I look at him.

He shrugs. 'It's so you always remember I won.'

I scoff and shake my head. 'Fuck you Sebastian.'

I suppose he's caught on to the fact that I hate losing.

'Help me put it on?' I ask, lifting it out of the box.

He comes behind me and I lift my hair out the way.

He fastens the necklace slowly. Purposely brushing his fingers against my neck. When he's done with the latch he trails his fingers down the nape of my neck. His touch sends shivers down my spine.

I turn around. 'Thank you.' I whisper.

'So your parents are here for your birthday.'

He didn't ask a question but I reply like it is one. 'Yeah.'

'Is Alice here?'

I shake my head. 'No, she's coming at the weekend.'

'So, what are you doing today?'

'Dinner with my parents... and my boyfriend.'

The muscles in Sebastian's jaw tick. 'So, you, Theodore and your parents tonight.'

I shake my head. 'No.'

Sebastian's eyebrows raise.

'They want me to bring the dark haired boy I've been galavanting around with.'

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