Chapter 46- On the Way

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'I think it's going to be a girl.' Seb says.

He's got his ear pressed to my stomach and his thumb is rubbing circles in the area the baby just kicked.

'How do you know that?'

'Intuition Lexi. Intuition.'

I roll my eyes. 'Why don't you wait till it slides out my vagina to put your intuition to good use.'

He laughs. 'You're a weird person Lexi.'

'No I'm not.'

'You are...What do you think it's going to be?' He murmurs.

'I don't know, I'd rather wait and see.'


He lifts his head to look at me.

'What?' I ask softly.

'Nothing.' He says with a slight shake of his head.

He rolls off me to lie on his back. I sit up and face him, with my legs crossed.

'Where does your mum go everyday?' I ask.

He shrugs. 'Probably to the strip club, or making a mess for me to clear up. I don't know.'

I tilt my head to the side. 'Is she really that bad? How come you don't have a good relationship with her?'

He looks at me, and then looks back at the ceiling. 'She was a better mum to Axcel than she was to me.' He takes a deep breath. 'And the funny thing is, my dad treated me way better than he did to Axcel, but he still treated me like shit.'

Then he looks back at me. 'If it's a girl, can we call it Sebatian Junioress?'

He's looking at me with a straight face.

I am so worried he's not joking.

'Are you being for real?' I ask.

He nods. 'Yeah.'

'No Seb, we cannot.'

'Well why not?'

'That might be mild child abuse.'

He laughs. 'Don't be dramatic.'

I smile. 'Don't be stupid. Come up with a normal name, and I'll consider it.'

His gaze lingers on my face for a second before he sits up. 'I gotta go okay. I'll be in my office if you need me.'

I watch as he gets up and walks towards the door.

When he leaves, I follow suit.

Not to follow him, but because I refuse to just sit around and do nothing all day.

I open the door, to see Axcel run up the stairs and into Seb's office.

I walk towards the room because it seems that pregnancy has not altered my curious tendencies.

Axcel obviously does not know how to shut a door because it's opened wide enough for me to see and hear inside.

I lean in.

'Seb I'm trying to help you.' Axcel says.

'Well I don't want your help. Just because you got Evie pregnant and then ditched her doesn't mean I have to do the same to Lexi.' Seb says in return.

So that's what happened with Evie.

Axcel stays quiet for a while before saying. 'You didn't have to say that, because you know that's not what happened. I'm just trying to say that you're too close to the situation. You can't keep going around killing people that threaten Alexis.'

'So you just want me to allow them to say whatever the fuck they want.'

I've leaned in so far that I'm practically in the room at this point.

'That's not what I'm saying Sebastian.'

I feel my phone vibrate, before it starts ringing. Out loud.

'Fuck.' I whisper to myself.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and back away from the door so suddenly that I almost trip up on my own feet.

'Shut the door.' I hear Seb say.

Axcel comes to the door and catches my eye.

He looks at me for a second, like he's trying to read my mind and figure out how much I heard, before slamming the door shut.

I'll have to do some snooping later to find out what that was all about.

I turn around and run down the stairs. I look at my phone, only to see my mum's contact light up the screen.

Great, this woman is already wrecking my life.

I pick it up.

'Lexi?' She says through the phone.

'Hey mum.' I say

'Hey sweetie, I was just calling to say that me and your dad will be there in two days.'

'Really, so soon.'

'Yes. We can't wait. I'll see you soon okay!'

'Yeah okay.'

The call ends and I bring the phone from my ear.

Whenever my parents are around, something bad seems to happen, and it's usually that they cut me off.

But they've already done that, so what will it be this time?

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