Chapter 29 - The tale of the Devil

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"Evil is unspectacular and always human and shares our bed, and eats at our table..."

W. H. Auden

You have fallen finally into my perfect trap

You have lost the winning game in this final lap

And nothing could make me more anxious, more glad

And because of your mistake someone's gonna get hurt real bad

It's about to start, and once it does there is no stopping it. This small town would be engulfed by sin, as the corruption would make it impossible to differentiate between friend and foe. The lingering shadows would be free at last, and an innocent would be punished. People would be buried in this chaos, as Irisvile will be once again submerged in an eerie silence, and a malicious laugh would be echoed in desperate screams, only the dead would know the right answer. It's going to commence, the most dreaded, the most anticipated... The apocalypse... People are going to be traumatized by light, so let there be darkness...

"How is Sheriff Jackson?" Sheriff Ted came running.

"Devastated. After what he saw, how can he not be!" Deputy Sheriff Forbes replied. "Kind of makes me glad... You know not being able to..."

"I know. I get it."

Few minutes before...

A sinister shadow was lurking behind the tree, conniving and contemplating its next move. The penumbra was bored and frustrated and no longer enjoyed playing the game. The man looked disappointed. He once started with so much enthusiasm. I am so done! A mild click was heard as the grip of the fingers tightened over the gun he was holding. The weapon was yearning for the taste of the blood.

As the foot took a step further, the cripple of the fallen leaves was masqueraded in the chaos which ensued in the forest. There seemed a broken man weeping, his blank eyes incomprehensive to the master-piece outside and as the euphonious melody of the last song played, the vile irises knew that the cadaver's time had come. "Sheriff..." Another man came running to witness the debacle. The man who had tears in his eyes remembered.

Life of a genius is hard in a small town like Irisvile. No adoration, not even a single fan! New day different girl that is how it is for me. Same-old! Same-old! Wake-up, get-ready, act like a good person, go to the County station, act like a dutiful officer, be underappreciated, see a nice girl, imagine the things that one might do to her, with a little courage do those things, come home be a good husband, a good father, sleep and then repeat. Ordinary life of a prodigal artist... Just trying to fit in!

Rotting in this stinking hole some call a town! A County! My foot... But I guess this is how it is for the people born with greatness, always feared and always dominated. We have to change our persona, adjust and adapt according to men of incompetence or else our voice is silenced, crushed. World has always been terrified of brilliance and so it tries to suppress it, or worse... They try to snatch away the spark! Mold the person exactly in the way they want... Make him fit in! But I am born to excel, not to fit in!

"Sheriff..." The Deputy Sheriff saw Mr. Jackson on his knees. He was not crying, he just sat there emotionless. "Sheriff what happe...?" He didn't have to complete the statement when he saw the disaster before his eyes. "Oh my God!" He stood there not able to say anything else.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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