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"When I see a pretty girl walking down the street, I think two things. One part wants to be real nice and sweet, and the other wonders what her head would look like on a stick..."

                                                                                                                        -Ed Gein

The perfect red color of blood

Blending sedately on canvas of mud

And the alluring melody when noise is replaced by silence

Only few can appreciate the true beauty in violence...

"I like killing people because it is so much fun. It is more fun than the killing wild game in the forest because man is the most dangerous animal of all." As sinister laughter echoed, the yearning for more agony, more torment was clearly seen in those desperate eyes. Somewhere in the remotest corner, somewhere in isolation, the justice was being molested, raped and killed. As the screams died, a demon smirked and marveled at the deeds he had done to his prey, the grief stricken masterpiece he had created. Through violence or series of violent acts, with every murder was leaving this monster hungry, unfulfilled. But what was worrisome was the irrational belief which the devil possessed, the next time he did those unspeakable things he could be fulfilled, or the next time, or the next time! Times for Irisvile County were going to be tough... Are you willing to make this wrong turn?

Some isolated location...

"Somebody's gonna get hurt real bad..." he hissed, he bore a devil's smirk, while his face was that of an angel. She had fallen into his trap.

"Please don't..." she begged for mercy as she stumbled yet again. Another sharp blow from the iron rod was more brutal than the previous one. She had tripped. It was the end. "Ahhh..." only the walls in that dark basement were witnesses of this tragedy. The stinging pain had now become an unbearable burn; she knew that one of the bones in her foot had been shattered. He cocked his neck and smiled mercilessly. There was a longing in his eyes.

"You are indeed a true entertainer..." he said as he looked at her in awe. His eyes changed color and became completely black, as darker desires brewed in his mind. She wanted to run but was betrayed by her own broken feet. The basement was completely dark apart from that one flickering light, the light which occasionally gave her a glimpse of his gorgeous face. Was she a sinner? Because she was sure that he was Satan and this was hell.

"Some more..." he begged "Please entertain me some more..." he hit her yet again and this time, the victim was one of her hands which she had raised in reflex to avoid the blow on her already broken feet. "Ahhh..." she clenched the assaulted palm as her voice merely echoed through the hollow space. She attempted in vain, yet another miserable effort made by her, trying to crawl using her non-broken arm.

The assaults continued, and her screams did too, each scream louder and filled with more anguish than the previous one. Tears of agony were rolling down her cheeks and he enjoyed the malice. The sour taste of her own blood filled her mouth, as she strived to find the faintest of opening.

The reality was fading-out and fading-in with each merciless hit. Her courage was dwindling, as her existence was now like a flickering flame that could be blown away by the slightest of the wind. She was struggling... But what was the point? She knew it was time... After a while, she stopped trying, and as her consciousness disappeared slowly, and her body went so numb, that any sensation including pain couldn't be felt, she realized that she was a foolish girl hoping for a miracle that was never going to happen, her fate had already been sealed.

Somebody is gonna get hurt real bad...Where stories live. Discover now