Chapter 13 :- The Tip from the Pariah

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"Obsession is dangerous and the only cure for an obsession is to get another one. It's only a matter of time that obsession turns to insanity, and madness as you know is a lot like gravity, all it takes is one little push..."

Jumping between past and present, I'm trying to hold my ground

Where something precious is lost, something crucial is found

And yet this uneasiness won't go away

It seems like I lost the sun, while trying to scour for hope's rays... 

In Irisvile, time was volatile, it was unstable and the fate of few was taking a turn for the worse, it had been sealed for the worst. While the others kept on wondering, was it their fault? So many things were left unsaid in this unrivaled departure, in this incomplete goodbye. The ghosts of the old-town were going to haunt Irisvile for eternity. Please don't die on me. Please just survive, because wherever you are, I promise I'll find you... It's a command, it's a plea. Is it too late to pray for miracles?

Sheriff Jackson looked at the clock as the morning flew by in mere seconds after that startling conversation, after that serendipitous conversation. The second stack of files was completed, as numerous thoughts, like always, were gushing through the Sheriff's mind. It was indeed mayhem. I must agree that I underestimated Officer Grant. I thought that he was an egotist, well he is... But my assumption of him being overrated was wrong. I thought he was all talk, well most of the talk and little action! The kid was right I guess... Again!

"Are you sure...?" Hitchcock whispered.

"99.9%" Officer George's voice was no louder than that of Hitchcock "All I need to do is catch him in the act." Sheriff was remembering a random conversation between Hitchcock and Officer George. Their voices seemed anxious. I couldn't see them properly due to the cubicles. I remember that day I was in a hurry since I was leaving for the scavenging operation in the Relitain forest. Wonder what they were talking about? And why am I remembering this now?

Sheriff stretched his arms and cracked his neck. It was exhilarating, it was boring. Being preoccupied with so much work Sheriff Jackson didn't even have the time to relax. Why do I feel like Officer Grant also suspects someone? From the way he talked, I think he suspects me too, not that I care! Since most of his morning had gone in conversing with Officer Grant, his entire schedule had got delayed. But no regrets! He picked up the phone and dialing a number said "Tell Officer George to come to my cabin." He needed to have that impending conversation with him. He wanted to know his opinion about giving Emily's information to Officer Grant. He has almost figured out everything.

"Officer George... Hmm..." said the person from the other end "He hasn't come to the station yet."

"What?" The Sheriff checked his wrist watch in disbelief. It was almost time for the lunch break. Ohh... This is a bad kind of Déjà vu. "Are you sure he hasn't gone to the Relitain forest to assist in the search operation along with Hitchcock?" Sheriff reaffirmed it to check for another possibility.

"No Sir." Replied the voice confidently "Officer George always informs before going anywhere. There is no record of it in the register." The kid is absent, again!

"Alright," the Sheriff said, sighing. That kid. He always does rash things. When the hell is he going to learn? I am going to give him a piece of my mind once he returns. "Tell Officer Walter to come to my cabin then..." Sheriff said as remembered the last words of Officer George.

Somebody is gonna get hurt real bad...Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt