Chapter 9:- The Maiden's Tale

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"Love grows where trust is laid; love dies where trust is betrayed."

Oh perpetrator of a heinous crime 

It was so easy for you to stay fine 

But don't worry I'll make you pay for your sins 

I know someone who would play with your mind and get under your skin...

Irisvile, once a small peaceful town, was engulfed in flames of mysteries and ashes of sins. The town which was the epitome of tranquility was now becoming the symbol of instability. People were changing, all of them were keeping secrets, all of them were hiding something, and as their masks of hypocrisy were cracking down; their ugly truths were coming into light. But it just means one thing, people had always been like this, vile, evil, it was the justice that was too naïve to catch this viciousness. It is said that reckless adventure is a fool's hazard. I thought you were better than that... Why did you do something so impetuous, so stupid?

Sheriff was staring at the words scribbled on the diary as he was bouncing between past and present, as he was sprinting back and forth between truth and lies, between loyalty and deception. It seemed like the glasses which the Sheriff wore were shattering into pieces and the cruel reality was harsher than one might think. Officer Walter, Jane Darcy, Tera Reed, and so many more names were scribbled on that last page, though a moment ago he could see only one, only one that mattered, only one which was the source of all grievances, the name of the devil himself 'Officer Walter'.

He looked at the diary and the flashes, the bits, and pieces, the fragments of memories played before his eyes. It all happened the following day Officer George told Officer Walter's truth to the Sheriff. It all happened the following day as Officer Walter understood in a second Sheriff's indifferent behavior towards him, he witnessed as Officer George whispered something in the Sheriff's ear, and the Sheriff started acting normal again. The following day Officer Walter bore a scoff on his face and it was only for Officer George who flinched nervously at the mammoth man's sight. The day of the confrontation was approaching.

"Sheriff, did the rookie complain about me?" Officer Walter came later that day. Sheriff was taken aback. How did he find out? The Sheriff didn't say anything. Did anyone rat him out? He didn't want to deny the allegations about which he had no clue. "I didn't do it on purpose!" Yeah right! Sheriff rolled his eyes in his head. "I mean he instigated me..." Wait what? "I know I shouldn't have held him by the collar but..."

"What are you talking about?" Sheriff asked being clueless.

"The rookie, Officer George, I kind of..." Officer Walter sighed "He didn't tell you, then...?" Sheriff nodded 'no' as the guilty confessed one of his crimes, on his own.

"Officer Walter I am disappointed in you." Sheriff wanted to say so many things, he wanted to know so many answers, but he knew that it would be only a matter of time before his temper gets the better of him after the conversation starts. As of now he had to stay mum and wait for the high noon. Officer Walter didn't bother to ask anything else.

But this day didn't seem to be in the near future. First thing I need to... Truths couldn't be uncovered without testimony of maiden herself, until Sheriff had spoken to Ms. Reed, a gorgeous attractive women in her early thirties "I knew he had anger issues, but to think he would do something like that...'' She was a beauty, with piercing blue eyes, and a figure which would make many women envious. She sat on her couch, at her home as Sheriff and Officer George continued to listen to the maiden's tale "I always thought Walter was an honest man" It looked like Sheriff wasn't the only one who was fooled by the false ideals of Officer Walter, but it also meant that she knew and didn't come forward.

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