Chapter 6:- The Chapter of Stormy Night...

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"Don't trust everything you see, even salt looks like sugar. And the righteous man, like always, was struggling to determine the taste of truth."

Alluring masks hiding sinister faces

In the dead I will find your traces

The last song has ended but the melody lingers

Every breath I shall henceforth take is to avenge her...

Irisvile was a small peaceful town once upon a time. However a dubious story was being written in bloody ink. A tale which started from the old-town, had engulfed three counties in terror. From the past few months in the placid surroundings of Irisvile has been resting a killer, someone who is devious, deceptive, and a master-mind behind all the brutal deaths. And he is closer than one might think. Wearing an impeccable mask, he is striding along with us. Putting up an excellent act, he is hollowing us from within! And that means he could be anyone, he is everyone. He is omnipotent; omnipresent, every-changing, ever-lasting. Did you know the dead can talk...?

The lightning which reigned the surroundings was screaming that the night was far from over. The horrifying echoes which lingered in the imploring rain declared its undefeated and unscathed reputation, stating certain secrets are yet to be revealed. Sheriff Jackson along with his officers had barely made it to the County station, amidst the storm which seemed to be getting more intense by the minute. After the unexpected declaration of Officer Grant, the ride till the County station had been uneventful, awkward, and silent.

It had been ten minutes since the Sheriff had reached the station and he was sitting in his cabin after wearing his spare uniform, sipping a hot cup of coffee. All the officers had already changed into their other pair of clothes which they used to keep as a back-up. The condition of the body was pathetic yet Sheriff Jackson was hoping for a miracle. He wanted the dead to talk, to give him some clue, to help him reach one step closer to the truth, to the killer. As he supped that hot coffee, his nerves somewhat calmed down.

"Sheriff Jackson" He remembered the conference of Sheriffs he had attended last week, the one which asserted the access of Relitain forest beyond the jurisdiction of Irisvile County as well as to discuss the series of events that happened in Orleans County. "We are in this together." A heavy voice said soothing words. Each Sheriff will command an operation in his own county to check a specific area of Relitain forest which falls within his jurisdiction. This way the burden would be shared.

"Yes." Sheriff Jackson replied. Innumerable torn and bloody clothes were discovered from the area of Relitain forest which comes under Hoser County. The worrying thing was, they were more than combined missing reports of the girls from all the counties. Few were also found from Irisvile. Some were abandoned and were merely floating in the abdicated Tiger-Lily basin. What is happening?

"If you need any help, then you can call me or any of these Sheriffs anytime... If we want to catch this killer then we need to coordinate." Sheriff nodded gratuitously to Sheriff Colton and other Sheriffs after the tiresome meeting of three hours. Three Counties huh! And only one common link...

"There have been fifteen missing reports." A rather muscular man spoke "Although no bodies were found. The span of days when the girls went missing was one or two per week." It's like the killer had a pattern. The Counties which surround the Relitain forest are three, the abnormal number of missing reports are these Counties, the bodies are however, found in two... Given the terrifying numbers, it seems like he is killing these girls by the day... And the worst part, this doesn't look like a spree...

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