Chapter 1:- There exists a Devil

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"The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing everyone he wasn't real."

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Am I making the right call?

Everything seems right and everything seems wrong

O God! Give me strength and courage to stay strong...

I've always known Irisvile as a small peaceful town by the countryside, glowing green in the bright sunlight. In this expanse of green there are more hues than anyone has ever named. Irisvile is surrounded by the Relitain Forest and Tiger river basin, a bit isolated from the outside world in its cocoon of healing nature. In Irisvile, it feels as if time and space are one thing, rolling through the ages as much as to the horizon. From afar this town seems like any regular town, not leaving much of an impression at first. Like every minuscule town it has its specialty, the lime-ginger tart, it's delicious. Some say it tastes like ambrosia. For me, I think that fact is a bit too far-fetched. But I can bet that there's nowhere in the world where you could get such a zingy lime-ginger tart. I wonder if he loves lime-ginger tart too...?

A few days later...

"Alice Merchant." Sheriff Peter Jackson said placing a photograph of a young brunette with green eyes on the table. "We discovered her body from the woods a few days ago." He picked up the photo "Badly beaten. From the reports of the forensic team, there were multiple fractures detected all over her body including her hands, her feet, her skull, and even her jaw was dispositional. The cause of her death was contusion within the right semi capitis muscle at the base of the skull."

Sheriff Jackson moved his hand through his seemingly bald head, as he placed the photograph on the table for others to view. The freckles on his face spelled his experience. Frowned brows with an intense look, well-built body and curious yet determined eyes, told a lot about his rustic personality. "This is the fifth body we have discovered in this month alone. Ninth in total! Identities of some bodies are yet to be discovered. And I fear that there might be many more victims that we aren't even aware of! I want the three of you to look into this case. We need to find whoever is behind these murders ASAP! Am I clear?" He asked the three young men standing before him as he handed them the case files.

"Sir. Yes, sir." They replied in unison.

"Then back to the work boys. Report to me if you find any leads..." He ordered. The men standing before him dispersed within seconds. Sheriff Peter sank into a chair in his cabin a few moments later. As his retirement inched closer, his desperation to close this case grew. Mr. Jackson was a man of crude judgment but hadn't done much in his career, his time at Irisvile had been peaceful, and only small crimes like pick-pocketing, trespassing, or occasional cases of teen malice were registered. In his entire career he had witnessed only about a handful murders, none of which were gruesome. And now this spree...

But the era was changing. There was a vile shadow casted over his town. It was nothing more than a rumor but it was enough to put people at unease. This enigma who lurked within the shadows, like a predator, patiently eyeing his prey, a wolf in sheep's skin as he approached these naive girls, and then no one ever saw them again... Only their photos, missing reports with occasionally distorted skeletons remained proof of their existence.

These disappearances were creating havoc, bringing with them storms of insecurity and distress among the people. Parents were scared of sending their daughters out, the schools and universities were tightening their securities. No official statement or information was released yet, but the people knew. The hitchhiking which is so common these days among the youth, has stopped! Completely stopped! The word was spreading like a wild-fire, and these killings were not only making a mockery of the police department but law and order altogether. Whoever is behind this, knows how to take advantage of the chaotic system. Sheriff Jackson was furious at the fearlessness of the killer and at the incompetence of his own County Station...

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