Chapter 7:- The Treacherous Hope...

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"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils, because all it does is prolong the torments of man..."

The darkest hours are just before dawn

It is indeed history's greatest con

I chose hope which was worse than despair

I couldn't rescue the prey despite the flare...

The pluviophile was starting to be bothered by the odious rains. He had started to think that the moisture, the zephyrs were irksome. As the vile grey clouds showered maledictions over Irisvile, the atrocities of the sinner were concealed. The delusional placid surroundings were showcasing their egregious side as the chaos reigned over the pathetic town. The alluring mundane light was guiding a lot of moths towards the flame, and the enchanting hell-fire was burning the ecstasy of various households. How many more have to be sacrificed before this pyromaniac is caught...?

A few days later...

It had been several days since that stormy night yet the weather of Irisvile was still gloomy. It had been eras that the sky had been calm, soothing; it had been an eternity that the heaven had shown its placid blue color, so many weeks had passed since the sunshine had left a tingling burning sensation on the skin of inhabitants of Irisvile. The chirping of birds had felt silent in the subjugating thumping of raindrops. The flowers and trees had drowned and decomposed by the intensity of the wrathful showers.

In the morning excessive fog made it difficult to see anything and the humid climate made everyone frustrated. The afternoons were wet and warm, whereas the nights were chilly. It was spring and the weather of Irisvile had become more and more unpredictable over a while. If this weather was a predicament of the brewing tempest then it was high time that the mighty soldier fled the battlefield. Sheriff Jackson was pacing in his office trying to maintain his calm in vain. He was anxious and was fidgeting continuously as a result of the same.

"Sheriff, this is the number of Officer Chad..." Sheriff was randomly remembering the occurrences of the past weeks. "He is a trusted friend of mine. I could take a bullet for that guy and vice-versa..." Officer George's voice was echoing in his head. He remembered the annoying look he had given the skinny fellow to stop the babbling when he handed Sheriff Jackson the card. However, the young man was a constant reminder to the Sheriff of all the things a law-enforcer should be. He somehow reminds me of Hitchcock from the past... "If you need any information, then this is the person whom you can contact at any time. He would never be busy for you. Consider him to be your private investigator."

"Is this source behind the file from Orleans County?" There was a snarky smile on the pale man's face but he remained silent.

It was time for the lunch break already. Sheriff had stopped marching and was now standing by the window. From one side of his cabin, he could see more than half of the County station through the blinders. He sighed. He needed to calm his nerves. What the hell am I doing? I need to be patient. From the corner of the eye without changing his position he looked at the fellow officers. Do I even know these people? A random voice in his head taunted the Sheriff.

"I..." A young baffled face appeared before the Sheriff's eyes.

"I am asking you one more time, Miss, are you one hundred percent sure..." Hitchcock asked, being irked "That this is the face of the man you saw with Janice?" He quoted the word 'saw' to put emphasis on it.

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