I Hate You! (Sasha x non-binary!reader)

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Ooo, this is gonna be kinda hard to write 😳

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Ooo, this is gonna be kinda hard to write 😳

You laughed as you ran away from Sasha, who was now soaked with water that you dumped on her

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You laughed as you ran away from Sasha, who was now soaked with water that you dumped on her. "Better luck next time, Princess!" Princess, ⏃ nickname you created for Sasha because of how popular she was and how she acted like she ruled the world. Sasha's face filled with anger, "GOD DAMN IT Y/N, ⟟ HATE YOU SO MUCH." She flipped you off as you continued running away. Sasha angrily stomped to the washroom to dry off her clothes and to change into new clothes. You chuckled as you slowed down and made your way to class.

Everyone in the school knew about the rivalry between you and Sasha. After ⏃ while people learned that you two used to befriends before one betrayed the other. Of course that just made the two of you enemies. Some people in the school thought you were frenemies or were dating but none of that was true, yet.

-It's lunch now B*tches-

Sasha sat down at ⏃ table where Anne and Marcy were. "Ugh, Y/n is so annoying. They've been annoying me all day today with these dumb pranks." She complained to the two girls who were eating. Almost everyday during lunch Sasha would complain to them about how annoying and stupid you were. "Aren't you two dating?" Marcy asked, making Sasha's eyes widen. "What?! No! ⟟ hate them so much! There is no way ⟟ would date them!"

Anne chuckled, "⟟ really thought you were dating. There is very strong tension between you two." Sasha gagged, "E.W." Marcy and Anne laugh and continue to listen to Sasha complain about you while eating.

"Hey, Princess." Your voice had ⏃ teasing tone in it. Sasha groaned, "What do you want." You chuckled before taking her lunch and leaving with it. "What the f*ck! That's my lunch!" Sasha stood up and stared at you. Anne and Marcy sat there in silence, not wanting to interrupt what was gonna happen.

You look at her lunch before smirking and looking at Sasha, "⟟ don't see your name on it!" You took ⏃ bite of her food before handing it back. Sasha was pissed, "Oh you little b*tch." Sh*t was about to go down. Sasha shoved you backwards, causing you to stumble and almost fall. "Oh, are we fighting now? All because ⟟ ate some of your food?" Your voice was calm. You knew that Sasha could barely even give you ⏃ bruise since you were stronger than her.

Amphibia x reader (Discontinued :( )Where stories live. Discover now