Girl Time (Polly x Fem Pollywag!Reader)

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Requested by: GeekFreakofNature

Requested by: GeekFreakofNature SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESH

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Polly's P.O.V

I quickly jump out the window of the massager(?) not wanting to be snapped in half like Anne. While I was walking (Does she walk or hop?) I bump into a (f/c) pollywog . "Oh sorry I wasn't watching where I was going." The pollywog smiled as they apologized, "Oh, another Pollywog! Hello, my names (Y/n), what's your name?"

I blush hearing how beautiful their voice sounded. "Oh uh, My name's Polly." I shake(?) their hand(? I seriously don't know how pollywogs work). "Ha, Polly's a funny name for a Pollywog!" (Y/n) laughs lightly as I quietly laugh too. "I guess it is kind of funny." I look at (Y/n) realizing that she has makeup and a floral bow on her. I've never seen a pollywog wearing that kind of stuff before. "Why are you wearing all that 'girly' stuff?" I ask trying not to sound rude.

"Oh, my parents make me wear it," (Y/n) frowns a little making me frown, "They said I was 'acting too much like a boy." My smile quickly returns as I get an idea, "Hey, how about you hang out with me! I do all kinds of weird stuff and you can be weird with me!" (Y/n)'s smile returns too agreeing. I bring her towards a Stumpy's Diner getting us seats using Hop Pops money.

Once we were seated I order us some food. We talk a bit while waiting for the food to come. Not long after Stumpy puts down two plates containing our food. "Oooh, this looks so good!" I exclaim eating the food quickly and messily. I stop for a bit and look to see (Y/n) carefully eating her food clearly trying not to make a mess. "Uh, what are you doing?" I ask her wiping some crumbs off my face. "I'm eating?" (Y/n) cuts a tiny piece and puts it into her mouth wiling her mouth every time she repeats that action. I stare at her for a few seconds before shaking my head (can she do that?). "That's not how you eat," I start shoving food into my mouth making a giant mess, "Biss ish ow."

(Y/n) looks at me like I was crazy, "Well, my mom says that eating messily isn't very lady like." I swallow my food thinking for a few seconds, "Well... she's not here, now is she?" I watch as (Y/n) nods before shoving a bit of food into her mouth. She smiles widely with stars in her eyes. She starts shoving more and more into her mouth. "Why does it taste better?!" She asks still eating. "That's the taste of freedom." I answer smirking thinking of how I could make her less "girly". "Well I like how freedom taste/feels." (Y/n) says wiping her mouth with her fin/hand.

"I want to show some other stuff that'll make you feel the same!" I say making her follow me out the restaurant. "WAIT YOU DIDN'T PAY!" I hear Stumpy yell as we were exiting. "PUT IT ON HOP POPS TAB!" I yell back. I look around at the shops nearby before a clothing shop catches my eye. I don't warn (Y/n) before I drag her towards her. I hear her make a small yelping noise. 

-Short time skip to after the two of them reck the shop-

3rd P.O.V

"THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN!" (Y/n) says excitedly with her makeup smudged all over her face. "I KNOW RIGHT! I WANT TO TAKE YOU TO ONE LAST PLACE!" Polly exclaims. Polly leads (Y/n) to another restaurant (sorry if that's wrong.)


Wally lets out a burp before Polly lets out a loud burp. Suddenly (Y/n) lets out a really loud one. "Dang, kid. You got the burp of a titan!" Wally tells her. "Thanks, Wally!" (Y/n) says taking another sip of her drink. Out of the corner of Polly's eye she sees Anne walking towards them. "Hey!" Anne says panting. "Oh. Hey, Anne." Polly says back to her.

"Who's that?" (Y/n) whispers to Polly. "That's the friends I was telling you about." Polly answers. (Y/n) nods listening to what Anne was saying, "What the heck, dude? You ditched me? And now I find you rubbing elbows with the local deadbeat?" 'Is she talking about me or Wally?' (Y/n) asks herself. "That hurt me soul 😞." Wally says with a hint of sadness in his voice. "Well, at least these guys don't waste my time with stuff I think is stupid and boring!" Polly says back, defending her friends.

Anne gasps, "Well, excuse me for trying to make you less of a disgusting little slob!" She gasps again as the other three are stunned. "Polly, I-," Anne stammers, "That's not- I mean, what I mean is-." Anne suddenly screams as the massage frog from earlier grabs her. "Tuti caught thief!" The frog known as 'Tuti' exclaims. "Wait, what do you mean "thief"? I totally paid." Anne says clearly confused. " Sorry, little lady, but Hopadiah's broke. Which makes these IOUs you've been handing out totally worthless." The Sheriff exclaims before stepping aside to reveal Sprig and Hop Pop in handcuffs.

-Ok ok last time skip to after Polly wins-

"YOU DID IT!!" (Y/n) says, jumping up before pulling Polly into a tight hug. Tuti splits the trophy giving the correct amount to the townspeople. "Here, extra" Tuti says giving Polly(I think) a small bit of gold. "Well, your debt is repaid and my work here is done." The Sheriff says before leaving. "Whoo-hoo! Go Polly!" "That's my little spitter." Sprig and Hop Pop say praising Polly. "So what are we gonna do with the extra gold?" (Y/n) asks not wanting to be forgotten. "I think I have an idea." Anne says.

"A little to the left. There, that's perfect." Anne says as she instructs Sprig(Idk if it's him or not) to move a little gold statue of Polly, and a tiny (Y/n), to the centre. "Well?" She asks. "We love it! Hey, sorry girl time was such a bust." Polly apologized to Anne.

"Eh, don't worry about it. I mean, the more I think about it, the whole idea of girl time is pretty weird. I mean, who's to say boys don't like spas?" Anne explains before hearing a gasp from Sprig and (Y/n). "You went to the spa? Without us/me?" The two say in sync. "Oh, Anne, I love the spa. Did you get that fishy pedicure?" Hop Pop asks. "Yeah, it was amazing." Anne tells them. " Oh, I agree. You know they're actually eating the dead skin off the bottom of your feet?" Hop Pop says making the conversation awkward.  "Omg you should bring me if any of you go again." (Y/n) tells mostly Anne and Polly. Before they started walking (Y/n) gives Polly a friendly kiss on the cheek.


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How do I write again? Idk I haven't written in almost a month. Sorry about the very long wait if you didn't see I've had writers block and I'm writing like five words a week. This one shot was quite short and boring but I didn't know what to do so I just went with the flow. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a good day/afternoon/night.


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