26. Miscommunication

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The suspense to find Sylan is slowly churning(; look forward to hopefully weekly chapters if not sooner. can yall guess how Lena will react when she finds him? or Darius? the suspense is hardcore....

speaking of, some of you have been saying you haven't really liked the way Darius acts towards Lena, but also know he has a past that isn't necessarily all that great and she pisses him off quite a lot(because of her rambunctious and rebellious character) so don't hate on my main man!(;

also, thank you for all the votes! this story has earned even more votes now than Wsw, which is so amazing! please keep them coming, and it motivates me to write faster! I love you all. haven't told you that in awhile, haha. I'm sorry, but seriously without you guys I wouldn't be doing this right now or writing this story. also, I haven't signed out in awhile so I'll do that now(:

with all love,

Auna <3 (can we get 70k in one week?)(;


Once I settle comfortably into the love seat, Darius chews his bottom lip next to me in thought for how to start his enticing story. Tugging a hand through his mess of hair, he finally sits back and stretches his legs out over the stained coffee table.

Rude much? He hadn't even asked if we were staying here yet.

"A few years ago, when I was friends with Sy..." He began, his eyebrows pulling down, making a crease form on his forehead. It looked adorable, but I would never say anything. "Almost everyday when we were in town, we would visit his uncles bar and trash ourselves. Then afterwards, we would do stupid shit, and over time Grayson just started to call me Dare, because I was always willing to do something no matter of the consequences or reward, and it stuck."

"Oh, cool..."

Darius turned on the tv to end the silence and started texting someone on his phone for a couple of minutes. I on the other hand, turned on my side and watched the screen roll through different pictures. I wasn't really watching it though, my mind was racing through other things.

Finally, I met and stared into Darius' eyes, his grey-blues silently taunting me, piercing me right in my soul. After awhile of deep thought, I finally had the guts to speak.

"Dare doesn't suit you," I say quietly, ending the silence and earning a questioning look from Darius.


"Because you're Dari-poo." I explain plainly.

Darius didn't like that. "I am not Dari-poo."

I cross my arms over my chest, meeting his gaze dominantly. "Yes you are."

"No, I am not."





"Stop denying it, Darius! YOU ARE DARI-POO!" I fling myself up and run to straddle his lap, forcing him down by pushing my hands on his shoulders without really thinking. He begins to fight me, but I bring my hands to his neck and pray to the Lord above that he is ticklish.

He goes into a fit of laughter, and tries to push me away, but I don't give up. I am a fighter. Sis always said, 'When the going gets tough, beat 'em.", so I did.

"Le...na.... St...op!" He says between his unwanted laughter, almost shouting as I remove a hand and begin to tickle his hard stomach.

"Payback is. A. Bitch!" I shout, feeling the satisfactory whimpers that start to come from him. He was slowly being drained of his evil powers from my tickle revival.

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