Chapter 1

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"You know you can jump right?"
"No. No I can't I may or may not die." I said backing away from the edge
"Yeah you'll totally die." She laughed "Just jump." She told me
"Dude I'm scared."
"I'll go first then" she said running past me and elegantly jumping. There she goes. I looked over and yelled
"Did you die?"
"Nope." Here goes nothing, and I jumped.

"It's freezing in here." I shrieked
"Well yeah it's the fucking sea." She laughed pushing me under
"Get off." I said swimming away from her
"You're so pathetic, Ty."
"No I'm not. I don't wanna die before I become king."
"You're such a royal brat." She giggled splashing me
"Fuck off, Miss Emily"
"Make me, Prince Type."
"Off with your head." I yelled splashing her with water this time
"You're so childish" she laughed. She had one of those obnoxious loud laughs that everyone within a few miles could hear.
"Me childish? How dare you speak to me like that" I teased with my nose in the air.
"You won't eat banana bread unless there's no crusts."
"Banana bread crusts just taste like burnt nuts." I said pulling a face
"Nuts ay?" She said rasing her eyebrows suggestively
"You're such a whore."
"I am a ready made high standard virgin actually." She blushed
"Only because your parents would go crazy. 'You must stay pure for your husband Emily. No man wants a woman who's unpure."
"Whatever." I grinned

She looked up at me with her decently plain brown eyes before speaking
"I'm getting married soon, Ty."
"I know, but you like him don't you?"
"I'm not so sure" she confessed pushing her wet blonde hair away from her face. "I don't wanna get married yet."
"We're not children any more."
"Some of us aren't." She said rolling her eyes at me.
"Seriously though, you're gonna love him."
"He seems nice enough." She nodded "My parents approve of the engagement. They want us married by then end of the year."
"That's exciting isn't it?" I smiled

"Type, you know why I don't wanna marry him right?"
"Because you're hopelessly in love with me?" I teased but she didn't push back
"You know it's always been you."
"Em, don't." I warned
"Why not? We've been friends literally forever."
"I love you but I love you like a sister. You've always been my little sister"
"Woah that stung."
"Can I tell you something?" I blurted out
"You just rejected me." She said tearing up
"I'm sorry."
"I don't wanna be desperate but please."
"Em, you're too good for me."
"Shut up with that bullshit"
"We're gonna be okay right?"
"Yeah. You're not that special" she said looking down at her dripping hands
"I think I want to tell you something"
"What?" She said harshly
"Please don't tell anyone." I mumbled and she must have sensed the mood change because I suddenly had all her attention.

"You can tell me anything." She gave me a small smile but tears still filled her eyes.
"Give me something, mate." She joked
"I don't..."
"Wanna...die? Leave England? Join the army? Buy another yacht?" She was trying to lighten the mood but it wasn't working.
"Em, I don't like..." the word caught in my throat and I felt my eyes already filling with tears
"Money? Your dad? Fred?" She was looking at me intently now. "Women?"
I nodded and she suddenly looked much calmer. "You don't like women?"
"Em..." I started but couldn't even begin to finish my sentence and bursted into uncontrollable tears. She pulled me into a tight hug. We've hugged before but it's different now she knows
"God we're mess." She laughed and cried at the same time making her look slightly crazy.
"We are." I agreed pulling away from the hug. "Can we go back to mine?"
"Do you have giant tubs of ice cream?"
"Then yes, we can go back to your house."

We walked back onto land and 3 body guards were waiting.
"Good evening gentlemen." I said curtseying before blowing them each a kiss. They all kept a straight face. "Simon" I grinned at the one guard I've had ever since I was little.
"Yes, your Royal Highness?"
"I'm ready to go now."
"Of course, sir." He nodded professionally and signalled one of the guards to bring the car.
"Such a brat." Em repeated rolling her eyes
"Shut up." I smiled
"Home, Sir?" Simon checked
"Yep, me and Em are gonna get ice cream cause we're both depressed."
"Lovely, sir" and for a moment I think he might have actually smiled.

"Chocolate, strawberry or vanilla?" I offered her
"Good choice, it's my favourite."
"I have known you for 22 years, Type. I know we have the same favourite ice cream."
"Whatever." I said grabbing a pot for each of us and making our way to my room before collapsing onto my bed. "Did you know?" I asked
"Know what?"
"That I wasn't straight as a fucking pole"
"Honestly? No not at all. You never seemed to talk about girls but you never talk about dudes either so you really gave me no clue."
"I'm gonna have to marry a woman." I stated having no idea where I was going with it.
"Yep, not long left."
"Helpful as always, Em" I said shoving a spoon of ice cream into my mouth
"How can such a fine Prince be such a slob?"
"Go away." I groaned
"Nope." She said cuddling next to me

"I think I'd wanna tell her."
"That you're gay?"
"Yes keep up."
"Are you sure you're gay?" She asked and I glared her down
"What do you mean by that?"
"I'm not saying you aren't but are you sure you're not into women at all? Maybe you're bi or pan?"
"I guess I haven't thought of that." I agreed "I have found some women attractive." I told her
"Maybe you're bi then?" She offered
"Yeah maybe. It doesn't matter any way. I gotta act straight. But I think I would tell my wife."
"You could always marry me?" She smiled
"No, Em." I laughed taking another spoon of ice cream
"Ugh whatever."
"I'm sorry."
"It's not okay. It hurts but you're my bestfriend."
"Love you, Em."
"I love you too, Type."

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