Chapter 14

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Johnny woke up super early on Saturday morning. It was your birthday. The first you two would spend together. Johnny wanted it to be special. So he decided to make you your favourite breakfast, and make sure your gift arrived before you woke up.

Johnny brushed his teeth and went to the kitchen and started on the breakfast when Reed came in. "Hey, Johnny. Good morning." He said.

"Hey. Good morning to you too."

"Why are you up so early?" Reed asked.

Johnny furrowed his bows as he looked at Reed, "Don't tell me you forgot Y/N's birthday?"

"Her birthday?!" He said. "Shit. I forgot. How could I? I need to get her something."

Johnny laughed, "Don't worry. I got it covered for ya."


"I've planned something for her. Which I know for sure she is going to love." Johnny said.

"What is it?" Johnny pointed his finger and moved it, motioning for Reed to come closer and whispered something in his ear. "Wow. She really is going to love it, Johnny." Reed said.

"Yeah. She said she always wanted one but never got it. So I thought why not?" Johnny said. "I should probably get back to breakfast."

"Oh yeah. I will help you."


"Hey, sweetheart. Wake up." Johnny said as he shook you lightly. You groaned and pulled the covers up to your head.

"No." You whined.

"Okay. Then I will have to send your surprise back where it came from. Such a disappointment." Johnny said in a overexaggerated voice.

You immediately threw back the covers and sat up, "My surprise?"

"Yes, sweetheart." Johnny chuckled, "But first you need to have breakfast." You threw the covers off of you and ran to the bathroom. Brushed your teeth and came out. "That was fast." Johnny extended his hand to you, "Come on, sweetheart. Let's go." You took his hand and followed him to the kitchen. You saw Reed, Sue and Ben already sitting at the table.

"Happy birthday, munchkin." Reed said and got up and hugged you. Sue and Ben came and wished you and all of you went and had the breakfast Johnny made for you.

"Johnny this is amazing. I love it." You said.

"Thanks. I'll make it more often if you want." Johnny smiled at you.

"Of course I love it." You said.

Johnny's phone started to ring and he picked it. "Hello?" He answered. "Yeah. I'll be down in a minute." He ended the phone and turned to Ben, "Hey. I need your help. Will you come with me downstairs?"

"Yeah. Sure." Ben said.

Johnny nodded, "Let's go then. I'll be back soon, sweetheart." He kissed your temple and both Ben and Johnny went to the elevator.

"What is he doing?" You asked Reed and Sue.

"I don't know, munchkin. I asked him but he didn't say anything." Reed lied.

"You know you can't lie right, Reed?"

"Munchkin. Even if I knew I won't tell you. Johnny planned the surprise for you and I don't want to ruin it."

"Ugh... fine." You smiled at your brother as you continued to eat your breakfast. A few minutes later, you saw Ben coming out of the elevator but no sign of Johnny. "Ben, where's Johnny?"

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