Chapter 13

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Reed's tests had started and and today he was testing Johnny. Johnny was frustrated as he had to get up very early. "Okay. Johnny get in the machine." Reed said. 

"Go upstairs." Johnny said to you. 

"It's okay. I'm fine here." You said to him. 

"I don't want to hurt you, sweetheart. I don't know the extent of my powers yet, okay?" Johnny cupped your face. "Go upstairs." 

"Okay." You pecked his lips and went upstairs behind your brother. 

Johnny went inside the box and flamed up. "Whoa." He exclaimed. 

"He's heating up from his core." Reed said. 

"And his vitals are completely normal." Sue said. 

Johnny began to increase his temperature. "It's hotter than I anticipated." He checked the machine. "Okay, Johnny back it down." Reed said to Johnny. 

"I can go hotter." Johnny yelled. 

"Johnny just back it down." Sue said. 

But he didn't listen. He just increased temperature. We had to cover ours due to the light. 

"Johnny back it down right now." Reed said. 

"Johnny just stop." You yelled. Reed pressed a button and Johnny was no more on fire. 

The three of you stepped out of the came out of the chamber. You saw Johnny covered in foam. You went downstairs and got a towel for him. While Reed and Sue stopped to talk to him. 

You came back and heard Johnny saying, "Got it, supernova bad." Johnny got out of the machine and you walked to him, handing him the towel. "Thanks, babe." He said. 

"Wash yourself and take a shower. I am going to the clinic now." You said to him. 

Johnny pouted, "Can't you stay? Please." 

"No. I already took a leave yesterday. So I have to go." You said. 

Johnny sighed sadly. "Okay. I love you." 

You smiled at him, "I love you too. Bye." 

"Bye. Take care." He yelled as you took your bag and went inside the elevator. 


The next two days went fast as everyone was busy being experimented or doing there own work. 

"Hey, sweetheart." Johnny sat down next to you, shrugging his arm over your shoulder. "What are you doing?"  

"Reading a book." You said. 

"Which book?" 

"Just a book about cancer in animals." You said. 

Johnny hummed and kissed your forehead. "I burned another t- shirt today." 

"What? Johnny that's the third time." You said. "Which one?" 

"The brown one." He looked at you sheepishly. 

"That was my favourite one." You sighed loudly, "Okay, but just be careful next time. I will go to your apartment and bring more clothes for you tomorrow." 

"Hey, it's fine. I can go." He said. 

"You are not supposed to go out Johnny." You said. 

Johnny groaned loudly, dropping his head on your shoulder. "Your brother and his rules." 

"It's for your own good, Johnny." 

"I know, but I am never the one for rules." He said. 

"I know." You closed the book, placing it on your night stand. Shifting closer to him you placed your head on his chest. "I have decided to take some time off of work so we can have some time together. I will only go if there is an emergency." You said. 

Johnny looked down at you with a wide smile, "Really?" You nodded your head. He leaned down and kissed you. "I love you."

"I love you too." You said. 

"So when is your leave starting?" He asked. 



"Sunday." You said. 

"Five days, huh?" Johnny said. He moved closer to you, "Why not make it six?" He said seductively. 

"What do you mean?" 

Instead of replying, Johnny leaned down and kissed you. He moved you so you were straddling him. He held your hips and started grinding against you. You moaned as you tried to match his pace. 

Johnny suddenly stopped and pulled away. "Wait, your birthday is on this Saturday, right?" He asked. 


"I've planned something." He smirked. 

"Oh yeah? What are you going to do?" You asked him. 

"It's a secret." He said. 

"Can I get a hint?" You said, and started to kiss his neck.  

"No." He said. 

"Please." You whispered in his ear and gently gave it a bite. 

Johnny moaned slightly, "Don't distract me, sweetheart." He said. 

"I will." 

"Yes, you can. But I am not telling you anything." 

"Not even a small one?" You said and pulled away from him. "I am mad at you." You pouted. 

Johnny laughed at you, "Oh, sweetheart. Don't get mad. You will love my surprise." 

You scoffed dramatically and laid down on your side, pulling the covers over your head. 

"Hmm. Someone's angry." Johnny said. "Fine. I'll give you a hint." He said. 

You jumped up from the blanket, "What is it?" 

"Something you like and love very much."

"That's not a hint." You said. 

"I am not telling you anything else." Johnny said. 

"Uhh, fine. Good night." You laid back again. 

Johnny kissed your temple, "Good night, sweetheart." He said and pulled you closer to him. 

You closed your eyes, trying to sleep but your mind kept going back to Johnny's surprise. 

The girl you met ~ Johnny StormWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu