Chapter 17

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Three months later....

Johnny smiled as he dialed your number, "Hey, baby. How are you?" 

"I'm good." 

"Hey, I wanted to ask..... when will you be home today?" Johnny said. 

"The usual time. Why?" You asked. 

"Nothing. Just wanted to know 'cause I'm making your favourite food for dinner." Johnny said. 

"Last time you made Lasagna you almost burned the kitchen." You said. 

"I know. But this time it won't happen. I promise." 

"Okay. I trust you." You said. "Hey, I have to go my patient's here. I'll be home soon okay?"

"Yeah. I love you." 

"I love you too." You said and ended the call.

You and Johnny had bought your own apartment in the Baxter building after getting engaged. More like a floor. It was just below Reed and your penthouse. It had been only a month since you both moved downstairs. 

After consulting your last patient of the day you left your clinic and started walking home. When suddenly a hand pulled you in the alleyway. 

Before you could make any noise, a cloth was placed on your mouth. You struggled against the person but the chloroform was making you weak and your world went dark.


 Two hours had gone since Johnny had called you. You were supposed to be home half an hour ago. Johnny was playing with Coco as he waited for you to come home. "Let's call her again, shall we?" Johnny cooed at Coco and called you. 

It dialed for about a minute before Johnny heard the electronic voice of the lady. 'The number you're trying to call, is currently switched off.' The lady said and the call ended. "Switched off?" Johnny said. He again dialed your number. Same. 

He called you fives times after that but he got the same response. "Fuck." He said. He then got up and made his way to the elevator and went to Reed's floor. He went straight to the lab knowing Reed would be there. "Hey, Y/N's not home yet. I tried calling her but it's switched off." He said to Reed. 

"She must have went out with Mark." Reed said. 

"She would have called me. And why would she switch off her phone if she went out with him?" Johnny countered. "She's usually home by now." 

"Hey. Take a seat." Reed said and pushed a chair towards Johnny. Johnny sat down on the chair. "Tell me what's wrong." 

"I called her two hours ago. She said she would be home by her usual time. She should have been home half an hour ago." Johnny said. "I'm getting worried." 

"Something must have happened at the clinic then. Why don't we wait for sometime and see?" Reed said. Even he was getting worried about but stayed calm in front of Johnny. 

"Yeah." Johnny whispered. He sighed loudly and slumped in his chair. "I'll try calling her after fifteen minutes or I will go and see where she is." 

"Fine." Reed said. "You want a drink or something?" 

"Yes, please." Johnny said. "But just one." 

"Yeah." Reed said and left the lab. 


It had been fifteen minutes and Johnny had called you more than ten times but got no response. "I am going to Mark's house to ask him, if he knows anything." Johnny said. 

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