Chapter 11

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You woke up the next morning, but Johnny wasn't next to you. "Johnny?" You called out. But got no response. 

Getting out of the bed you checked your bathroom. No Johnny. You came out of your bathroom and saw a note on Johnny's bedside. You went and picked it up. 

Opening it you saw your name written on it. Smiling you read the letter. 

Dear Y/N, 

I'm sorry I left like this. But you looked so beautiful in your sleep, I didn't feel like I should wake you up. So instead of waking you up I left you this note. I hope you understand. And I'll call before boarding the shuttle. 

Love you, sweetheart. 

Yours, Johnny. 

Your heart melted as you read Johnny's letter. You immediately looked at the clock and saw the time. You ran to the other side of the bed and picked up your phone. But before you could call Johnny your phone rang and you saw Johnny's caller ID. "Hey." You answered. 

"Hey, baby. You up?" Johnny said through the phone. 

"Yeah. I was a bit scared when I didn't see you." You said. "But then I found your letter and I relaxed." 

 "Yeah. Sorry about that. We are going to board the shuttle now. So I wanted to hear your voice before I left." He said. 

"Is Reed there with you?" 

"Uh, I lost him about a minute ago. Must be with Sue." He said. "Oh and by the way. Reed has made breakfast for you. So heat it up and eat it, okay?" 

"Yes. Say thanks to Reed for me and take care. I love you." You said. 

"Sure, babe. I love you too. Bye and take care." Johnny said. 

"You take care of yourself too. Bye. Fly safe." You said and hung up. 


Next day....

"Have you seen the news?!" Mark said as he barged in through the elevator. 

"What?" You said. 

"Look." He said and turned on the television in the living room. The news reporter was talking about an accident in space. She said that the people in the spaceship were hit by a intergalactic storm. 

"No! Johnny." You gasped, covering your mouth with your hand. 

The news reporter further said that the people were Reed Richards, Sue Storm, Johnny Storm and Ben Grimm. 

"No!" You screamed and collapsed on the couch. Mark turned off the television and came to your side and hugged you as you sobbed. 

"It's okay, Y/N. I saw the whole news before coming here. They are being moved to the quarantine centre right now. I hope they are fine. Don't worry." He said gently rubbing your back. 

"What happened?" You said. 

"Well they said that the storm hit earlier than expected and all of them were hit by it. Nothing else than that." Mark said. 

"Are they okay?" Your voice breaking.

"They found all of them unconscious. Except for him." He said. 

"How come he wasn't hurt?" You asked. 

"He was in a chamber that was supposed to protect them." Mark said. "Anyway, let's not talk about that, okay?" 

You nodded and pulled away, "What do we do?" 

"Let's watch a movie. I told Jenny that I will stay with you for the night." 

"Aww. Thank you , Mark." You hugged him again. 

"Anything for you, Y/N. You are my best friend." He kissed your forehead. 


Two days later......

Your laptop started ringing as you got a skype call. It was Johnny. You picked up the call and propped up your laptop.

"Hey, sweetheart." Johnny said. 

"Hey, how are you?" You said. 

"I'm fine. What about you?" 

"I'm fine. Mark helped a lot these last two days." You said and smiled. 

"I am glad he was there to help you." Johnny said. 

"How's Reed?" You asked. 

 "He's great." Johnny laughed. "Just has some grey hair." 

"Grey hair?" 

"Yeah. Even he didn't know till I told him." Johnny said. 

"Okay. What about Ben and Sue?" 

"Oh they are fine. They both woke up today." Johnny said. 

You saw as Johnny got up and pulled out his snowboarding gear. "Johnny what are you doing?" 

"Well there are mountains, not far away from here. I'm gonna go snow boarding over there." He wore his pants. 

"You are supposed to be in quarantine." You pointed out. 

"I know, but I have never followed the rules." Johnny smirked an sat down on his bed, putting on his shoes. There was a knock on the door and a nurse came in. 

"I am here to take your temperature, Mr. Storm." She said and shoved the thermometer in his mouth, before he could argue. The thermometer dinged after a minute and she checked the temperature. "Oh my god. You're hot." She said and touched his forehead. 

"Why thank you. My girl there thinks the same." Johnny said and pointed towards the screen. 

"Are you going out?" The nurse asked, ignoring Johnny's comment. 

"Yeah." Johnny removed the thermometer from his mouth and gave it back to her. "I am gonna go over there for snowboarding." He said, picking up his snowboard. God knows how he got it there. 

Johnny walked over to the laptop, "I'll be back in two hours, sweetheart. Maybe I'll call Reed and others to talk to you as well, okay?" 

"Yeah. Just take care okay?" You said. 

"Yeah, I will. I love you. Bye." Johnny smiled. 

"Love you too, bye." You said and ended the call.

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