Chapter 4

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Johnny's POV

"Good morning, sister." I said as I entered the kitchen.

"Good morning to you too." Sue said. "So what did you guys do yesterday?"

"Not much. Just went to the coffee shop and then to the park." I said.

"And?" Sue said.

"And what?" I asked her.

"Don't act like I don't know anything. Y/N called me last night and told me everything, including the kiss and your date." She said.

"She told you?" I said as I poured myself some coffee.

"She shares everything with me." Sue said.


"Where are you gonna take her then?"

"I haven't decided yet. It won't be something fancy since I don't have much money. But something I know she'll like." I said.

"Take her to the Italian place near her work place. She loves it." Sue said.

"Will she like it?" I raised an eyebrow.

"She'll love it, trust me."

I sighed giving up, "Okay. Where does she work by the way?"

"She owns a practice with a few friends of her. I'll give you the address. I need to go to work." She said and left the kitchen.

"Sue! Wait!" I yelled.

" Yeah?"

"Can you tell me her ex's name?" I said.

"You should ask that to her, Johnny. Oh and, Reed and I are going on a date as well today. So I'll be home late." She said and opened the door. "Bye."

"Yeah, bye." I said.


I got Y/N's work address from Sue and I went there to surprise her.

"Uh, hi." I said to the receptionist. "Is Y/N busy right now?"

"Hello. Uh yeah. She's in a consultation right now. Do you have an appointment?" The lady asked. "What's your name?"

"No, I don't. My name's Johnny, I'm a friend of hers. Just wanted to surprise her." I said.

"She'll be done soon. You are welcome to wait." She said and motioned towards a chair.

"Thank you." I said and sat on the chair. Almost ten minutes later the receptionist called my name and told me to go inside.

Making my way down the hall I saw her name on a door. I knocked and heard a faint 'Come in'. I opened and greeted her, "Hey, Y/N."

She looked up at me in shock and got up from her chair, "Johnny! What are you doing her?"

"Just came to see you. Couldn't help myself." I walked towards her, but was stopped by her putting a hand up.

"No. I am covered in germs and animal hairs unless you want to catch a diesease or something." She said and laughed.

I raised my hands in surrender, "Okay, okay. I'll keep my distance."

"I'll be right back." She said and exited the office. I decided to busy myself by looking at the frames on her walls. All her achievements certificates and a few photos of some dogs and cats were hanging on the walls. There was a photo of her and Reed on her desk. Picking up the frame I admired her beautiful face. She looked a bit young, must a few years older I guess. "That was taken when I was in college. I startled and put the frame down. "Sorry to scare you."

"So where do you wanna go today?" I asked her as I sat down on a chair in front of her.

"Wherever you want." She said.

"How about the Italian place just a few blocks away?" I said.

"Sue told you, didn't she?" Y/N asked leaning back in her chair.

"She sure did." I said.

"Traitor." She said and we both laughed.

"Even she's going on a date with Reed today." I said.

"Yeah. They are very lovely together."

"I know. I caught them making out in our apartment once you know." I said.

"You did?" She asked.

"Yeah. I just came home and saw them all over each other."

"I can't believe Reed would do anything like that."

"Well, we learn something new everyday." I said.

"Yeah like we learned about each other. They should have told us, don't you think?" She said.

"Yeah. I think I should leave you must be busy." I said getting up.

"No I'm not. That was my last patient." She said and walked towards me. She leaned up and kissed me.

I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her close to me. Pulling away I looked down at her, "I thought you were covered in germs and animal hair? Huh?"

"I washed my hands and removed my coat, blind man." She said chuckling lightly.

"Guess I was too busy admiring your beauty." I said.

"You're cheesy."

"I know." I said.

"Why don't we go and get ready for our date?" She said.

"That would be great. 'Cause I need to book a table for us." I said unwrapping my arms from around her. "I'll pick you up at 7?"

"Sure." She said.

"I'll see you tonight. Bye." I pecked her lips one last time and left her office.

You're falling in love with her, Jonathan.

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