Chapter 15

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Johnny woke up to wet kisses on his face. Johnny opened his eyes and saw Coco standing on his chest and licking him. "Hey, bud. Good morning to you too." He said as he scratched behind his head. "You up so early, huh?" He said. 

Coco let out a small bark and started jumping on Johnny's chest. "Shh, don't make noise bud. You don't want to wake mommy." Johnny said. But he didn't listen. Coco and jumped on Johnny's chest. "Okay, okay. I understood. You wanna go out." Johnny said. He gently took the puppy in his hands and got up. "Where should I take you?" Johnny said. 

He thought about taking Coco out but they hadn't still got him a leash. Johnny sighed, "Bathroom it is." Johnny went to the bathroom and lifted the toilet seat up and held Coco above it. "Come on. Go on. Do your thing." He said. Coco did his business, letting out a small bark after he was done. "Okay, I am gonna put you back in the bed now. Don't disturb mommy." Johnny flushed the toilet and went out, putting Coco on the bed and went back in the bathroom to relieve himself. 

Coming back to the room he saw you still sleeping soundly. Johnny smiled and went back to lie next to her. He was immediately attacked by Coco.  "Buddy." Johnny chuckled. "You want to wake mommy? Huh. Let's do it." Johnny said and again lifted Coco off of his body and put him next to your face and he hovered above you. 

Johnny started kissing you on your neck and shoulder, Coco tilted his head, and started licked your face. You groaned and tried pulling the blanket over your face but couldn't. Opening your eyes you saw Johnny. "Johnny, let me sleep." You said. 

"But Coco wants to play with you." Johnny said. You turned your head and saw Coco licking your face. "Coco, you too?" You said. You scratched Coco on his head. That made him stop. But Johnny still kept kissing you. "Johnny..." You moaned. 

"What babe, what do you want?" Johnny whispered against your neck. You buried your fingers in his hairs as Johnny continued to kiss and suck on your skin. "Johnny I have to go to work today." You said. 

As if on cue, your phone started to ring. "Ignore it." Johnny said. 

"Let me see who it is." You said. 

"No. Just ignore it, please." Johnny pleaded. 

Your phone stopped ringing only for it to start ringing again. "I'm taking it." You said and reached for your phone. You saw the caller id. It was Mark. "Hey Mark." You answered. 

"Y/N, you need to come right now. There's an emergency. Someone brought a injured puppy in. You need to come as soon as possible." He said. 

"What?" You said. "I'm coming as soon as I can. Keep everything ready." You said and ended the call. "Johnny get off. I need to go. There's an emergency." You said. 

"Emergency?" Johnny said, getting off of you and sitting on the bed. You speed walked to the closet and changed into your work clothes. 

"Yes. I need to go." You said as you removed your clothes. 

Changing your clothes you came out and took your purse from your desk. "Mark said to come as soon as I can." 

"I'll drive you." Johnny said and dressed in his t- shirt and sweatpants he wore to sleep. 

You walked up to the bed and kissed Coco on his head. "I'll be home soon, baby." You said to him and you and Johnny made your way to the elevator. 


"That went well." You said as you collapsed on the couch in Mark's office. "Who brought the puppy in?" 

"A man brought him. He said he found him injured outside his apartment building." Mark said. You nodded in response. "So how did the party go? Sorry I couldn't attend." 

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