Chapter Forty-Nine

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Grace’s POV

I guess Chester is like a puzzle piece, a corner one. It’s the first one you look for, you need it to begin. Everyone will say you can do it without them and maybe you can but you still look for them because it makes everything easier. And then when your puzzle is complete, when everything has slotted together and you can sit back and be proud of what you’ve accomplished. You think of the corner pieces, how significant they were to completing this. How you always need them, no matter what anyone says. 

It’s the only way I can describe the importance of his existence, it’s the only way anything can make sense to other people. I always thought people never really understood love when you’d try to explain it to them. I know I never did. 

When I’d ask my mum why she wasn’t with my dad anymore, why there was a new man which had replaced him. I didn’t understand, little me didn’t know how you can find someone else to love. I thought there was only ever ‘the one’. 

“But mommy it doesn’t make sense, you can't love two people at the same time.” I had stated a long time ago.

“Of course you can Gracie, what about you and your brothers? I love you all.”

“That’s different. You married dad, therefore you have to love him forever.”

“Sometimes things change though, sometimes you loose your love for a person and then it rekindles in someone else.”

“Loose your love?” I remember it not making sense. Loosing love sounded like some sort of curse. 

"Sometimes it goes, and travels to a new person. There's nothing wrong with that.”

“So one day you wake up and find your love is gone?” It all seemed daunting, the prospect of loosing something that had been my source of hope for years.

“Sort of. But don’t worry about it yet Gracie, because people will love you forever; you won’t ever loose your love and no one will ever let your love go.” I remember her smile when she said it, an unconvincing smile. A smile which she hoped would cover her pain; I guessed she didn’t believe her own words. I pretended I couldn’t see right through her, I pretended that love existed forever and nodded, smiling sweetly. 

Before that conversation I had thought that there was no end to love and that was all I needed to know, I could dream freely knowing that. But that day what I thought I had known forever was in fact just a lie. A false illusion that dreams and love came true. Which is why my own life surprised me everyday.

Because after that conversation with my mother I had a cynical outlook on this sappy love crap but then Chester came and I questioned everything. 

Had Chester had the same talk with his parents? Had he believed what they had said? Did he think that love was eternal and people would love him, especially him, forever?

He had every right to believe. I believed him. I believed that people would love him forever, or I knew I did.

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