Ward 46: Spare Me

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"To get over the past, you first have to accept that the past is over. No matter how many times you revisit it, analyze it, regret it, or sweat it.. It's OVER. It can't hurt you any more"
– Mandy Hale


"I asked Leo about your life"

Mr.Frego started the conversation after swallowing the medicine given by his son.

He looked at Harix,he was wearing his white coat handsomely. His heart jumped from contentment and happiness for his son.
He was proud of him,and he was not shocked to see him flying and sparkling like a star, that could be seen but couldn't be touched.

Indeed, his son succeeded in unleashing the beast in him.No, he didn't unleash it,he defeated it.Mr.Frego could currently see that his son was wearing a hard vessel but still hiding a soft soul, but unlike before,his soft side was visible now to his loved ones and to his patients.
"Uhuh,you should wait for your favorite son to narrate it to you, king Frego"

He took a seat closer to his baba and observed the man,his eyes decoding everything especially his baba's smile that he thought was impossible for him to be seen again.

The miracle that he waited for so long finally came true. His baba was back to life again.

He was very happy, and his wife was happy too. Though sometimes they always fought, Drayan still joined him in his happy moment.

"Hahaha,I have been awake for 2 weeks now but you didn't tell me anything yet"

"I told you about my marriage life"

"You didn't tell me everything"

The king was not satisfied with the information given by his elder son,so he inquired the man who could give the full data.

"Relax,you are not going anywhere"

Harix was trying to calm his baba, although he was the one who was nervous inside.

"Why did you keep it from me?" And this time Mr.Frego removed his funny tone and replaced it with a concerned voice. They would be talking about the most avoided topic, the grave sin of his son.

"About what?"

Harix was trying to pretend that he didn't know what his king Frego's talking about, when in fact he really purposely kept the sad information from his baba.

"About your sad story"

"I don't want you to be sad"

Harix answered while adjusting the stethoscope on his neck. He did it to hide the visible loneliness in his eyes.

"So you married her?"

"Yeah I did, Nana is the culprit of this charade" he was making eye contact now. He realized that he couldn't run away from this reality. The questions might make him bleed,but he would not care anymore,his focus at the moment was to answer honestly.

"She is desperate to cure the girl,because she had been through it"

"Yes, and she cured me too, my sense of touch,it was cured and my nightmare, though it still visited me sometimes when my wife is not on my side"

"Leo told me that your marriage is shaking"

"Of course he would tell you that"

Harix answered while displaying his rare gorgeous smile. He loved his abhi, and he was sure that the feeling was mutual. He knew that his abhi was also worried about him,, although he was disappointed to know that he gossiped about his love life.

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